That sweet baker's girl

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" c'mon kitty let's go to my place, I'll get you some macaroons. My treat!" She giggled and I felt a flush of blood run up my cheeks. She smirked and said," Did my kitty fall for me?" I started to get nervous,"W- eh, um, well maybe I Mean wha- of course not! Pfft..." I stuttered and chuckled nervously. She giggled and skipped along making me follow her. Boy was she cute. NO BAD ADRIEN I LOVE LADYBUG ONLY. The angel on my right shoulder started screaming. But it's okay to have a crush on that cute, innocent, beautiful, amazing, talented, caring girl right? My devil started to convince me.
"Man that was atrocious to watch" Marinette blinked.
" How much of that did you hear?!"
" Well I heard the part where you were rambling about me," she pouted innocently.
Man this girl is gonna be the death of me.

Hi guys I am CN (Chat noir) and I will be writing the rest of this story so in the comments please state whose writing you prefer me or MSA. C ya gotta go chase my lady....* Chases poor Ladybug around the whole of Paris* "Come back Bugaboo I just wanna kiss you!"

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