Do you mind?

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Adrien's POV:
"Hey Maribear!"
"Do you mind keeping your lovey dovey crap at the front door?"
"Whoa! Fiesty much." I smirked bravely.
"Hey I've got a boyfriend and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't appreciate you flirting with me."
"Whoa! Really? Who!?"
"Now, why is it that you care?!" She asked smirking.
Now it was my turn to blush.
"Wha?! No I don't really care that much. Well not that I don't care but I don't like you- I mean I do just not that much- no I mean I love you- well not LOVE but yeah aheh-heh?" I chuckled nervously.
"Okay now you're rambling, chill a bit, okay?" She smiled warmly before doing the most unexpected thing.

"Okay now you're rambling, chill a bit, okay?" She smiled warmly before doing the most unexpected thing

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Not that it matters that much, I mean I am French and that's how we always greet each other in Paris.
"There, you're calm now." She announced while looking at me as if I was a completed painting.
"M- Marinette I need to go now. Bye?" Ugh! Why did that come out as a question?
"Adrien, stop. I know why you're here so take this box of cookies and croissants, sit on my chaise and eat now." She said sternly. I did as I was told and sat down waiting for her to serve the last few customers and close the bakery.
"So where are your parents?"
"Oh, they're at some baking convention. Now..."
"Now what?"
"Now I need to tell you a few things and you will listen to every word, understood?" My mouth dropped at her anger and stubbornness.
"Marinette, what's wrong?" I looked at her as I grew more worried.
"Adrien, I've had enough of you..."
"What? Why!?"
"Let me finish, I've had enough of you putting on a fake smile and apparently having the life of a king when you have a life that's worse than slaves! If you won't stand up to your father, I WILL!"
"Marinette, calm down. I'm fine, I promise!"
"NO, no you are not. How do you go everyday putting up with that torture?" She broke down crying on her knees.

 How do you go everyday putting up with that torture?" She broke down crying on her knees

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"Hey, calm down okay?" I cooed.
"Why do you do this to yourself Adrien?"
"I am the luckiest boy in the world to have someone who understands me. I love you Marinette, you're my greatest friend."
"Come here Adrien," she said as she pulled me into a hug. A passionate one, a heartfelt one, one just like my mother. I broke down crying in between her arms.
"Adrien, a-are you crying?"
"What? No!" I said stubbornly wiping my tears away.
"Men don't cry!" I cried out loud.
"Adrien! Men eat, they drink, they laugh and shout, so there's absolutely no freakin' reason why they can't cry."
"You see why everyone loves you Marinette? Including Chat Noir." I blurted out, little did I know that those last 3 words would change my life.
"What!?" Marinette screamed as she backed away from the hug.
"H-how do you know about me and Chat Noir? I mean what has Chat got to do with anything?"
"Marinette, I know about Chat Noir because I-I don't wanna talk about it right now. I'm having a really rough time right now and the only one who understands me is you."
"I'm sorry Adrien, you're in a bad mood and I only care about my selfish needs right now. Come here." She said before pulling me into another hug.

"Adrien, I can't bear seeing you like this, so I've decided that I'm gonna face your father

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"Adrien, I can't bear seeing you like this, so I've decided that I'm gonna face your father. End of discussion."
She got up and ran out after covering me with a blanket.
"Marinette, No!" I shouted running behind her but let me just say, she's fast.

Marinette's POV:
I ran as fast as I can. I was gonna face Agreste and no one was gonna stop me. I rang the bell and the security camera came out this time revealing Gabriel's voice, "How may I help you?"
"Excuse me Mr Agreste but I have to talk to you regarding Adrien."
"Please come in," He said suspiciously.
I ran in before Adrien saw me and I was met by the grey eyes of the dull Gabriel Agreste.
"Good evening sir, I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng. We have met before and I won your derby hat competition and have met you when Chloe's mother showed up for your show."
"Ah! Madmoiselle Dupain-Cheng! A pleasure to see you again."
"Thank you sir but my real urgency for seeing you today is my concern for Adrien. No offence sir but he's really depressed."
"Why didn't he tell me? I would've called his personal therapist. "
"Are you actually kidding me?" I screamed. Just then, Adrien ran in, absolutely scared from me.
"This angel right here," I said grabbing his hand, "-does everything you tell him to do: he attends school with the highest grades, he goes fencing, Chinese lessons, piano lessons, photoshoots and on top of all that, he helps all of his friends and you make his life only harder! You can't even bother to eat dinner with your own son! I'm here telling you that your son is depressed and here you are telling me you'll call the therapist?! Are you okay? Have you ever considered that you might have brain damage? That you need that therapist more than Adrien? This beautiful boy here is the reason you are able to wake up everyday and if you aren't proud of him then get the hell out of his life because I know I am and so are all of his friends! I honestly can't see why he calls you his father, you honestly don't deserve that title." I looked up as tears streamed down my face to see both Adrien's and Gabriel's mouths both open wide in shock. And when I realised what I had just said, I covered my mouth with both hands and gasped with my eyes wide in shock.
"I-I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Adrien, you came to me to get good advice but instead I just started a fire between you and your father. You must hate me now. I don't deserve your kindness. I-I love you Adrien!"
I ran out of the house with Adrien looking at me with tears streaming down his cheeks.

Adrien's POV:
"Marinette wait! I-I love you too..." I whispered the last part. My father looked as if he'd just got stabbed.

Sorry for not updating in a while guys but I really mean this I love you guys I mean 243 reads? Seriously I don't deserve this. I really thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. - CN

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