#2 I got married last weekend

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"6AM" as Benedict's alarm goes off waking him up.
Benedict got up from his bed and noticed Charlotte is still sound asleep. He then walks to the wardrobe to get his suit.

(rubbing her eyes and speaks in a sleepy tone)
What time is it.....

Did I woke her? It's pretty early for her to be awake...
It's 6 in the morning. I'm used to waking up early to get ready for work. The class doesn't start until 9 and it's just a 15 minutes car ride to the campus so you can still go back to sleep.

(yawns and proceed to get up from the couch)
I guess I'll wake up early to prepare for class this morning. It's the first day after all.

Charlotte then walks towards her luggage to pick out an outfit for class.

Hmm... Guess I'll just go with a white crop top, a pair of high waist skinny jeans and perhaps a denim jacket.

I cleared out the other part of the wardrobe for you to keep your clothes so feel free to hang and place whatever you want. The study, however, is a place where I store most of my work related stuff so it'd be nice if you stay away from it. You can study on the desk (gestures and points at the direction of the desk sitting at the corner of the room) here, or in the living room.

Benedict then walks into the bathroom that is attached to the bedroom.

(Delighted and raises her volume so that Benedict can hear her in the bathroom)
Thank you for the arrangement!
Maybe he doesn't dislike me living with him that much considering he cleared his wardrobe before I moved in. But still.... having me sleep on that couch? When will he ever get me a bed and where will he place the bed?

Benedict got out of the bathroom after he has freshen up and changed into his working attire. Charlotte finds him a little more attractive in suit.She stood there and watch him for a couple minutes before Benedict clears his throat, dragging the now blushing Charlotte back to reality.

(Adjusting his tie)
Do you usually have breakfast at home or?

Well back then when I was an undergraduate student in another University, I used to make my own breakfast and lunch boxes!

(Amazed, but he didn't show it)
I don't cook very often so there's not much ingredients in the fridge that you can use to make your lunch box so you might have to eat in the cafeteria today. But I guess there's plenty of things that you can use for breakfast.

Then I guess I'll just make a simple breakfast! Scrambled eggs and toast, maybe.
(Pauses and looks at Benedict)
Do you... want a portion too?

Thanks for asking but I'll pass. My Assistant Professor gets me breakfast everyday and I have to leave for meeting soon.

Charlotte is a little disappointed but before she can respond,

Don't forget the rules.

Benedict left the room and went downstairs after reminding her. He left without looking at her, without saying bye. Charlotte hears the sound of the car engine starting and starts packing her stuff into her bag for school.

And I thought he'd be nice. Even friends don't treat each other that cold! Pretending.. Charlotte... We're just pretending... It's a waste of energy getting mad over small matter like this! Let's focus on acing the scrambled eggs!



Benedict just got to his office and settled down. Before he starts going through the documents for his meeting,

Knocking on the door

It's Rachel, Benedict's assistant Professor.

(Speaking from outside the door)
Professor Cumberbatch, it's me Rachel, I've got your morning coffee and breakfast.

Come in please Dr Rachel.

Rachel came into the office and places the coffee and sandwiches on Benedict's desk.

Oh, aren't you the best looking man on earth Benedict Cumberbatch. Your concentration for your work just made you extra attractive....
Excited for the new academic year huh?

(Without raising his head)
Same old, same old. I can't say I'm excited, (Charlotte face pops out in his mind out of no where. He smiles and continue) but I'm looking forward to the new batch of students.

Rachel smiles and when she's about to leave the office, she notices the ring on Benedict's ring finger.

Professor Cumberbatch.... I hope you don't mind me asking... but the ring on your finger....?

(looks at his ring and looks up to Rachel)
Oh this...? I got married last weekend.

Rachel almost collapsed when she heard Benedict mentioned the word "married".

(in a denial tone)
Ha-ha that's very funny Professor Cumberbatch. Haven't seen you in a couple months and your sense of humour has levelled up. Complete with props I see. You got me!

(thought Rachel was being funny)
Sorry to disappoint you, Dr Rachel. I'm afraid I still am the man with no sense of humour and still am really bad at jokes. It was a small ceremony, only families and close friends. Sorry for not inviting you guys. Lunch is on me.

What just happened? What did he just say? He got married for real? With who? I thought he wasn't seeing anyone before?
C-congratulations Professor Cumberbatch! I don't recall seeing you with someone? Who is that lucky woman?

Well she's a family friend. I like to keep things low profile. But thank you Dr Rachel.

Little do you know I'm on the brink of a breakdown, Cumberbatch! I need to calm down... I need to know who.
Well I-AM-SO-HAPPY-FOR-YOU! But I should get going now. The meeting is starting in 20 minutes. I have to prepare.

Oh yes, and thank you again for the coffee.

Rachel left the office, leaving Benedict alone with his piles of documents for the meeting later. After he finishes his coffee and sandwich, he glanced at his ring and it reminded him of how everything about the marriage was quick and simple. He got the rings in a nearby mall under a short notice. He was busy with the new intake and student's enrollment so he didn't get to know Charlotte more and hence he opted for a simple pair of rings.

It's for temporary use anyways.

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