ONE. completely platonic

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Boys are weird.

This was a statement that Mira had taken to be true for all her life, which was even further confirmed as she watched Hyunggu. The transformation from the school's cool and popular junior with all the senior friends that all the girls fawned over to the ex-playboy with a bad attitude happened so quickly, Mira didn't even know if it happened at all. His reputation had taken a huge hit after Jaehwa came out with her story just last week, with many, many girls adding on. Now, Hyunggu was stoned-faced and uncaring, emotionless and unmotivated. She knew it was stupid, but she really wanted to help as his... classmate? Acquaintance? Friend? but didn't know how.

Yeah, Mira still didn't know how to describe her and Hyunggu's completely platonic relationship, even after knowing each other for 10 plus years.

Mrs. Kim was doing yet another rant about her good-for-nothing husband. Mrs. Kim spent 30 out of 50 minutes of class time complaining, not teaching, making it perfect for people-watching. For instance, Hongseok was busy playing with Jaehwa's hand in the front row while she blushed furiously. In the second, Changgu was nodding off to sleep as he gazed at a picture of his girlfriend. And here in the back, it was just Hyunggu and her, as the rest had either dropped out of school, skipped class, or just succumbed to allergies.

Mrs. Kim's History class didn't have the best reputation. Or work ethic.

"My husband's been going on and on about all the lucid dreams he's been having lately. God, there was one about a wooden ruler... I told him to get some work done but no, he just has to write in his dream journal!" Mrs. Kim ranted.

"I kind of feel bad for her husband," Mira whispered to Hyunggu.

Hyunggu snorted but said nothing in reply.

Mira sighed. This wasn't exactly an uncommon reaction from him.

"Speaking of dreams, now he's been saying he wants to become a beekeeper! He said it was his lifelong dream! Well, excuse me for not knowing that!"

At this moment, Mira sensed an opportunity.

"How un-bee-lieveable!" She accidentally blurted out loud.

Mrs. Kim sent a disapproving look her way. No one else in the class laughed.


Right next to her, the previously emotionless Hyunggu burst out laughing, eyes crinkling. He finally gathered his wits after about a minute of this.

"Finished, Mr. Kang?" Mrs. Kim asked impatiently.

"Yes ma'am. I apologize." Hyunggu bowed.

"Anyway, where was I?" She continued on with her rant.

Hyunggu flashed a thumbs-up at Mira as he wiped a tear from his eye. "That was great."

Mira giggled, embarrassed. "It wasn't that great."

"Don't downplay yourself. That really caught me off guard. You're hilarious." Kino didn't smile, but his eyes were twinkling.

Mira's face tinted red at the compliment. "Thank you."

"You guys at the back. Is your conversation more important than what I'm saying? Keep talking and you'll receive a demerit. Now sit up straight and pay attention. I'm about to say why my husband's going to move to the United States," Mrs. Kim scolded.

They did as she asked.

As soon as class ended, Hyunggu caught up with Mira at her locker. He leaned against the wall and quietly watched her put her stuff up.

naughty boy - kino + wooseokWhere stories live. Discover now