zhu zhengting

641 9 1

"hey! justin! fan chengcheng! don't run too fast!" you heard someone shout outside from your office.

you knew that a boy group will shoot a program here. what you didn't knew is that they're loud.

you owned a mango farm in the philippines. well, you lived in the sweetest mango capital of the world, guimaras.

you know chinese because you majored it in college. you knew linguistics is handy in business that's why you studied it.

someone knocked at your door. (a/n: cue twice- knock knock HAHAHHAHAHA)

it was the staff. "hello miss. we'll start to set up. is there any place the idols can rest for a while here?"

you nodded. "they can stay here at my office. this is the only airconditioned place here at the farm. i'll help with the set-up."

the staff bowed and left. you started cleaning your table and the sofa. you were in the middle of putting some files in your drawer when the door opened again.

it was now the boy group that the staff will film.

they were chattering before you opened the door. they halted once they saw you.

they tried to converse in english.

"are you...owner?" the boy with brown locks asked.

you nodded and replied in chinese. "ah yeah. you guys can stay here while the staff set up."

they looked shocked. the boy with red locks sighed in relief.

"wahh, i thought we'll be speaking with her in english."

you opened the door wider. "come in. come in."

they started to fill the room. an another staff handed you an envelope. you just noticed the cameraman and the staff now.

"read it, miss," the staff said. you quietly opened the envelope and read the content. after reading, you nodded at the staff.

when you turned your back, you saw the boys looking at the picture frames hanged at the wall.

"jiejie, you graduated when you were 19?"

"you studied in japan?"

"you joined singing contests?"

you were confused. "ah, can we all settle for now? i'll answer your questions and orient you with today's activities," you said.

you started orienting them and answering their questions.

"yes, i graduated when i was 19. i studied in japan as an exchange student. i joined singing contests before. i am 24 years old now. i am the owner of this farm and i will be your guide."

you handed them straw hats and arm protectors. "we'll be under the sun! you guys will be collecting mangoes from the trees. i'll be saying that this is a competition. and in competitions, there will always be a prize," you said.

"the winner will win," you paused to build up the excitement, "an eat-all-you-can ticket to our mango restaurant." the boys clapped.

they dispersed as they wore their materials. their leader, as they introduced, approached you.

"is it hard to work here?" he asked.

"well, yes. you can only harvest fruits for a short time," you answered.

"can we talk longer? i think i'm interested."

"in what? in fruits business?"

"no, in you."

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