xiao gui

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"xiao gui, here's your mission," zhu xingjie, or also known as agent j.zen, handed him an envelope.

"a rescue mission, again? i wanna be with yanchen-ge," xiao gui whined.

"you know you still can't. this will be your last mission before moving to yanchen's unit," j.zen replied.

xiao gui continued to play with his rolling chair. "i still have to buy groceries for our refrigerator. why is yanchen-ge a hungry drunk? he freaking swiped off the contents of the ref last night," xiao gui complained.

"he's better drunk than us. we're noisy when drunk. remember that superior suspended us because we blasted off my song at 2 am."

a knock resonated at the door. j.zen and xiao gui straightened their backs. the door opened and a girl entered.

"good morning agents. have you received the mail for your missions?" the girl, probably just in her late teens, said.

"good morning y/n. yes, we did. do you want a cup of coffee or chocolate?" j.zen said.

"you know i can't drink caffeine j.zen. ever since that day," you said.

j.zen looked embarrassed. "ah yeah, i forgot. i'm sorry y/n."

"why, what happened that day?" xiao gui interrupted. he immediately felt someone cover his mouth.

"hahahaha, y/n, i'll just give your chocolate upstairs, in your office. you can visit the other agents. i think yanchen haven't received his. you're not being an efficient superior now," j.zen awkwardly said.

you also awkwardly scratched your nape. "ah yes, i'm sorry for barging here. my chocolate agent j.zen! i'll be waiting!"

when you exited the room, j.zen heaved a sigh. he looked sharply at xiao gui.

"you don't remember what happened, do you?"

"no, would i ask if i know?"

"you little monkey. ever since the base was infiltrated by the enemies just because y/n drank a drugged coffee. she lost her only family that day as well. it's like her mind developed a distaste to any caffeine."

"is that the day when yanchen-ge and you went home almost dead?" xiao gui asked.

j.zen nodded, he started to made her chocolate. xiao gui gasped.

j.zen continued. "the coffee was given by a trusted agent here. turns out, he's a double agent working under the enemy. he spiked the drink with a drug that can knock out an elephant in just a snap. but, y/n still tried to fight but she's outnumbered.

"all of the agents were dispersed that time so the only people here was her and her older brother. he tried protecting her but failed. good thing, she pressed the s.o.s button in her watch that's connected to the leaders' watches. that's why yue yue, mubo, zhengting, xikan, yanchen and i returned here.

"when we came here, most of the equipments were ruined, the enemy also tried hacking the mirror but they can't. only y/n can use the mirror. shit happened afterwards yet we survived.

"that's also why the office is moved here from dachang. the mirror was destroyed there and was replicated here at the base," j.zen finished.

xiao gui looked at the cup of chocolate in j.zen's hands.

"can i be the one to deliver that to her? i think i have to apologize," xiao gui said. he was handed with the cup.

"don't mess up or i'll kick you out of the apartment," j.zen chuckled. "i know you liked the superior since you saw her beat up those men at the parking."

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