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Third person P.O.V.

Calum paced back and forth in the hospital hallway with his phone in his hand, desperately waiting for Michael to answer. While Luke, his boyfriend, wiped the palm of his hands with the denim of his Jean's since they were sweating due to the stress the couple were experiencing.

"Should we tell her? Or-or maybe call from her phone. Maybe that way he'll answer." Luke said looking up at his boyfriend who placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.
"It'll be alright Luke, maybe he just went home to relax and get some sleep." Calum tried to think positive.

"Bullshit calum, Michael wouldn't do that when Alex is in the hospital!" Luke finally got up.
"Hey, hey, I'm sure he's okay" calum placed his hands on Luke's chest.
"I'm not fucking worried about him!I'm worried about my bestfriend who has been damaged enough to take in the pain of her love, leaving her." Luke caught the attention of some patients and nurses in the hallway. Calum looked around and whispered.

"We all know that one day he has to leave her. Even she knows it, Luke. But even if he left I know for a matter of fact that he's coming back,and better than ever."

"If it happened to you, will you leave me?"  Luke said as he hugged the smaller boy.

"Never, we'll go through it together." Calum smiled against Luke's chest.


Alex looked at the door as it creaked open. She lifted her head up and leaned it back when she saw that it was the doctor.

"Alex, I see that you're doing well, and I am sure you are allowed to go home. But we'll have to check up on you in a week or two, I'll call you and we can make an appointment alright?" The doctor smiled.

"Thank you"

"You'll just need to fill these and you will be good to go. Want me to tell your friends to come in?" The doctor raised an eyebrow.

"Yea that'll be good."

The doctor handed Alex the papers she needed to sign and left, only to come back with only Luke and calum wich caused Alex to frown in confusion.

"Where's Michael?" Alexsaid then turned her concentration to the papers again.

"Uh he left." Calum said simply and earned a slap on his chest.

"Left? Where?" Alex finished the paper and stood up holding her stomach and wincing in pain.

"He's not answering our calls, a-and he didn't tell us where he was going." Luke looked at his shoes.

"What?" She rushed to the bag that Luke brought. It had her clothes so she took it and started changing.

"Wait calm down maybe he went home" calum said.
"Maybe he didn't." She snapped.
Alex wore the clothes in the bag , threw it on her shoulder and rushed out of the room door, calum and Luke following her.

Calum drove to their house and walked in, seeing that nobody was there. Alex started to worry so she went upstairs despite all the pain she's in. She opened his bedroom door and saw that nobody was there. She sighed in defeat and plopped down on the bed, wich was an awful mistake because she felt sharp pain in her stomach afterwards.

Luke and calum stood at the door frame looking at a damaged girl,desperate to hear her lover's voice. She kept calling and calling. And the confusion intensified when the calls are getting declined over and over again.

"Why isn't he answering the fucking phone if it's with him?" Frustration filled her voice and a couple tears stained the phone screen. "How do you know?" Luke asked.

"He's declining them" Alex said burying her face in her palms. She started sobbing and crying as she clenched the bed sheets in her fists.

When she finally fell asleep the couple tucked her in bed and went downstairs still trying to get an answer from Michael or even a small text.

Calpal :)

Michael, please answer the phone or text me back. We need to know if you're okay.


Where are you?

Why did you leave without telling me?

Michael please answer.

Alex is not doing well. Please.

Michael read the last text over and over again debating on whether he should text back or not. He didn't know why he didn't tell calum, but he felt like it's better that way. He felt like it's better to keep distance until he figures it out and just move on from it. Now Michael was eager for the big day. He wanted it over and done with, so he could go back to where he felt like he belongs. With calum,Luke,ashton and Alex. He sighed and typed.

Mike <3

I went to the mansion. I talked with my dad. I'm sorting things out.

Calpal :)

Jesus fucking christ Michael I'm glad you're okay, you got us worried sick.


Mike <3

I know I'm sorry. How's Alex?

Calpal :)

She's sleeping. She cried alot. You messed up.


I know, I'll fix it.

Calpal :)

I know you will. and to do that you have to call her and let her know you're okay.


No no, let her sleep. When she wakes up please tell her where I am and that I'm fine.

Calpal :)

Why can't you do it yourself?


Mate just hearing her voice will make me go back there. Just do me a favor and do what I'm telling you to.

Calpal :)

Okay chief. Will do. I love you bro.

Mike <3

Shut up it's not like I'm leaving forever jesus christ. But I love you too. Say hi to Luke for me.

Calum smiled and noticed that luke was glaring at him.
"I lOvE yOu bRo" Luke mocked.
"The fuck you talking about."
"You literally told him that you love him"
"Dude we have been there, in each other's lives ever since we were in diapers! Heck we even ate from the same plate." Calum argued
"Oh really?" Luke raised an eyebrow.
"He's not gay!" Calum finally snapped Making Luke hug him and giggle like a school girl.
"I know I'm just messing" Luke looked up and smiled.
"Man you're crazy." Luke placed a gentle kiss on calum's lips and clung to him like a koala. "I love you" he said.
"I love you too."


Have your cake and eat it toooo.

Have a good day/night <3

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