Beach? (Real Life)

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Daniel's point of view
"You guys wanna go to the beach?"  I say
"Yes!" All the boys say
Just as we finished talking Mia and Mady knock the door.
I go open it. "Hey girls!" I say to them. "Hey Daniel" Mady says and  Mia says "Hi."

      Skip time to arriving to beach

"Let's take out our surfboards Mia," I say. "She doesn't respond but walks straight to the car. "Your still mad at me right?" I ask her as I get my board. "I'm not mad about breaking up, but I'm upset that you would go with my friend, my best friend," She says.

"I know saying sorry won't do anything but Im sorry and I know you must feel terrible, but you gotta believe us. Amy and I only kissed for like 5 seconds she said she didn't mean it that she likes Zach. Trust me, Zach trusts her now. They have been going out a few times," I say to her while walking back to the sand.
"Give me time daniel and race Yea," she says and starts heading towards the water. I run after her.  The guys, Mady, Mia, and me had a great time. The girls decided to stay in our house for that night. Mia in my room and Mady in Jonah's room. I let Mia sleep in my bed and me on the floor. But she asked me to keep her warm. I felt so happy around Mia. She made my world shine brighter! Mia was not like Danielle. Danielle just used me to get fame and money. Mia is different at least I hope so.

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