Private or public

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Third point of view

Daniel: Hi babe so I was planning on asking you if you wanna tell the fans about the baby. So private or public.

Mia: I have no problems with making it public but what about your manager

Daniel: They said if we wanted to we could.

Mia: Ok, but can we keep the comments disabled I don't want hate.

Daniel: Yea, I know how hate can be for you. I'm gonna disable my comments.

Mia: Dani remember we have our next check up tomorrow for the gender. I wanna make it public when we do a baby shower/ gender reveal with family and friends. Please!

Daniel: Ok anything for my two loves, love you. We're gonna record a new song. Bye cya later at home.♥️🌹

Mia: Ok, Bye babe ♥️🦒

Author Note: Mia is now 3 months pregnant.

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