You have to believe me

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Daniel's point of view

After seeing what Jonah commented. I looked for the video post. As soon as I founded it, I freaked out. Mia probably thinks that I cheated and took the kids to her place. I try calling her about 7 times. No answer. I texted her to please call me back or at least let me explain. No reply she left me on read. I call Gia. "Hi Princess, is mom there don't tell her it's me," I say. "Yes, she's here you wanna talk to her," She replies. "Yes, princess give mom your phone."

"Hello, It's Mia how can I help you," I hear her sweet voice say. "Hey it's daniel I know you think I probably cheated. But you gotta believe me Mia. You have to trust me like I trust you. I can explain who that girl is and I'm sorry for touching her leg. She had kinda fell while walking downstairs and she was bored. So I was just being nice by talking and massaging her leg a bit. That was like 20 mins before the party ended. That girl is just one of my friends well the band's friend. She's Loren Gray I don't know if you could tell by the hair. But I swear it's Loren," I say in kinda a fast tone thinking she might end the call right away. But, no she listened to me.

"Look Daniel I know it was Loren and i know you wouldn't cheat at least I hope so. She texted me like 10 mins ago knowing people will create drama after seeing the video," she says. We continue talking and she told me that tomorrow was family photo shoot.

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