Bye daddy

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"Gia, hurry up we gotta drop dad off at the airport." I say
"Coming mommy," Gia says and comes downstairs. Daniel grabs his stuff and puts it on the car. Gia and I go to the car. Daniel was going to be on the Europe tour with the boys. Leaving Gia and I in LA. Gia's Birthday was in 3 weeks and of course she was sad that her dad wouldn't be able to be with her. But Daniel and I had planned that Gia and I would go to Europe a day before her birthday. Then stay with Daniel for the rest of the tour. Daniel did anything to make Gia happy.

We arrived at the airport. Seeing Gia cry as Daniel left made me sad. We said goodbye to the boys. I gave Daniel one last kiss and hugged him tight. Gia cried and Daniel told her to not cry, that he would be back. Gia and I waved goodbye and when they left, I took Gia to get ice cream.

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