I've made a decision

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Mia's Point  of View

As we arrive to the boys hotel. Jonah asks if we wanted to eat something? I told him to go with Gia to get her something. I stayed with Zach and Baby Lisa in the lobby. While Gia got a snack with Jonah. Zach and I started talking and I thanked him again for everything. I knew he was the first to know Daniel was cheating. Zach said he found Daniel and the girl Emma kissing near an abandoned building. Zach a great kid and I hate that he had to be part of Daniel's disgusting problems. While talking to Zach. A girl comes out of the elevator kinda crying. I look at her and think poor girl. Jonah and Gia came back right after the girl had left. "Ok, let's go see your dad, Gia" he says.

We go to the room where Daniel was at. He kinda didn't know we were coming today. He open the door with a key. There he was looking in the mirror doing his hair. He was shirtless and you could see his abs. Gia runs to him and yells "DAD I missed you!" Daniel looks down and hugs her. He sees me carrying Lisa and smiles. I fake smile back. Daniel and Gia play around and he holds Lisa carefully with love. I missed this Daniel the sweet and soft one. "So I'm Mia I'm sorry I know what I did was wrong and I regret it," he tells me. I tell Jonah to take care of Gia and Lisa for a bit in the other room. He takes them.

The conversation

Mia: Daniel yes it was very wrong and you know saying sorry doesn't change things.

Daniel: Yes I know but what can I do to try and make things better for us, Gia, and Lisa.

Mia: Daniel Im going to tell you what I told your family & mine. There will be no wedding. I'm not gonna marry you.

Daniel: Mia please think about it. I love you and what will Gia say.

Mia: Don't put Gia into this. Daniel who made the choice to cheat? Who didn't think about his kids? About his engagement? Huh, TELL ME WHO PLEASE? Couldn't you have FaceTimed me or told me to get plane tickets. There were options and cheating I don't think was the best one.

Daniel: I KNOW, I know Mia. Do you think I wanted to? That I didn't know I was doing something stupid and selfish. I know I messed up. I missed you and I needed you. Emma was just I don't know but I don't love her like I love you.

Mia:. I guess what you did doesn't show who your saying. Who had to take care of Gia and make sure that she didnt find out her dad was somewhere with a random girl kissing. Daniel your worst than Jayden. You cheated when you had lost and we're in engaged.

Daniel: DO NO PUT YOUR STUPID EX BOYFRIEND INTO THIS MIA! Jayden was a jerk you know that. 

Mia: But he didn't scream at me. I only know what he told me the day we broke up. It was the nicest thing he could ever tell me. The jerk here is you Daniel. Don't worry I'm not taking Gia or Lisa away from you. Gia misses you and Lisa needs her dad whole growing up. It will be like normal just us not together.

Daniel: Nothing is normal if we're not together. Mia I love you that's why I wanna marry. That's why your the mother of two wonderful kids we have. Your the light to my world. What will I do without you.

Mia: You dont think I was hurting when Zach told me everything? I didn't eat for 5 days Daniel. I had to fake being happy when Gia was around. She and Lisa were my only light in my world. The girls tried cheering me up along with your family. Your mom daniel was upset and disappointed.

Daniel: Wait, when Zach told you. I thought Jonah was the first to tell
you. Zach never told me he told you.

Mia: No, Jonah didn't tell me first. It was Zach the day after he saw you. Zach called me and had tears in his eyes. He told me he was sorry for what he was gonna say and that he is disappointed that someone with the sweetest heart can do something horrible like cheating. Right away I knew you cheated and I broke down Daniel. (Starts crying) I love you Daniel but you know I hate being heartbroken. If I look fine sometimes it's because of Gia and Lisa. They need their dad and mom but that doesn't mean we have to be together.

Daniel: I love you Mia even if I don't say often. Your my everything along with the girls.

Mia: *Wipes tears* Well the girls and I will be staying for a 3 more days in New York after you guys leave. We will go to Christina and visit her. Just to make things clear were done Daniel.

Daniel: Ok *voice cracks* Daniel told us that tour will be only 3 more months and not 6 months. So, we only have 1 and a half left of tour.

Mia: Ok I'ma change Lisa and you can then be with the girls. While I go say hi to the others.

Daniel: Ok Mia um are we gonna make this public.

Mia: Yes If your ok with posting the news on your account too.

Daniel: um yeah I think it's better to make it public but make sure Gia doesn't see it.

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