Another baby?

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I wake up from the upper bunk bed. I turn around and Daniel puts his arm around my waist. "I love being with you and Gia. You guys make me happy!" Daniel says

I giggle and say "As same, you and Gia make me so happy."  Daniel gives me a peck. We hear corbyn on the phone with Christina laughing. Gia was still asleep along with Zach, Jack, and Jonah. Daniel keeps joking around saying he wants a baby boy or another baby girl. I tell him that I would like that too but in another year at least. Later, that day the boys took care of Gia while Daniel and I went on a small date. It got a bit heated though. We got to the bus around midnight. We quietly got in the bunk bed. Everyone was asleep when we had came.

The next day we woke up and we went out to eat. Gabbie, Tate, and  Christina were coming today for a week. We were going to hang out and have fun backstage on the boys concerts. I love those girls. Gia loved skating with Gabbie, doing make up with Christina, and getting to learn about how to model good for pictures with Tate.
The week went by great. But soon, I started to throw up and Daniel we wanted me to go to the doctor. So, we made an appointment for tomorrow. I thought about something and I knew Daniel was thinking about it too.

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