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Night was shrouded in silence with moon only as guidance a faint silhouette could be seen, wobbling along the run down path. On one side was the wreckage of buildings while on the other vast forest. The picture it painted could undoubtedly cause heart murmur to anyone but the person was unfazed and kept walking lamely. On a closer look one can easily see the shredded clothes that were barely covering her shivering form. Dried blood covering half of her face gave an eerie feeling like seeing something akin to a ghoul. She was walking aimlessly among the ruins as if wandering in wonderland or taking a stroll in garden.

Her eyes kept staring ahead without actually focusing on anything. Her vacant gaze gave a premonition of imminent disaster. But what could be said about the past that lead to her current condition? Was that anything less than a catastrophe? No. what happened to her was downright adversity. Her present state- her lifeless eyes, half dead body and completely torn mind was outcome of an ambush.

After walking few more steps that figure abruptly came to a stop and fell forward. With nothing to cushion her fall as soon as her body touched the ground the surrounding resonated with a thud. Dark red started pooling around her motionless form and her unblinking gaze finally closed to rest.

She woke up in the early hour of morning drenched in sweat, heart beating like crazy and breathing irregularly. Her eyes kept looking all over the room without focusing on anything but unconsciously trying hard to do the same. After few seconds when her erratic heart quieted down and her breathing became more or less regular she realized that it was a nightmare. But her mind at the very next second corrected her that it was indeed a nightmare that she lived through

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