Go To Him.

871 43 15

In the skies of Metropolis


It's good to breathe in some fresh air. Mom called a cab and went home first, while Pa carries me back home. We were flying high up into the fire like sky. We took a glimpse of the sun setting behind the mountains, and fly into some thick fluffy clouds.

I've always admire the sunset because they are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully

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I've always admire the sunset because they are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully.
     We made it back home. I'm guessing mom is already in the house. Pa landed in front of our apartment door and slowly set me down. At first my legs felt like jelly. I don't know why but I can tell I haven't stood in a while. My dad held my arms for support.. but sooner or later, my legs went back to normal again. I looked up to the door and knocked on it.. calling mom.

Me: (sighing happily) Home Sweet Home...

Superman: (chuckle and messed Jon's hair) It's good to have you back bud.

I heard footsteps walking towards the door. Mom opened the door and stepped aside, letting us enter. It was strange how the house was dark. Why didn't she on the lights?
     The moment I step foot into the house, the lights came on and I was shocked to see all my friends standing there.
Before I could say or ask anything, they shouted....

Everyone: SURPRISE!! (Explode confetti) WELCOME BACK JON!

There was a large banner hanging over thr ceiling that says "Welcome Back Jon" . There were all kinds of food and treats on the table, and confetti and balloons everywhere.
      Everyone I know is here. Starfire, Dick, Raven, Gar, Jaime, Terra, Bart, Jason, Barbara, Cassie, Tim, Wonder Woman, Batman, Barry, Hal, Hawkgirl, Aquaman, my grandparents.. even Harley Quinn... but wait...(looking around) the one person I really want to see, isn't here.. Damian.
    I stood speechless for nearly 10 seconds. I quickly put on a smile and pretended to be surprised all over again.

Me: Oh wow...... you guys!! Why? (Laughing)

Beast Boy: What do you mean why?? Our buddy is out of the hospital! It's something to celebrate yo! (Shape shift into a monkey and jumped on Jon's shoulder, with his tail holding up a phone) SMILE! (Selfie)

Starfire: exactly! You getting out of the hospital defenetely calls for a celebration!

Lois: and you can thank your friends. It was their idea.

Raven: Alright, enough talking. Let's get this party started! (Magic turned on the music)

20 minutes later.

It has already been twenty minutes since the party started. Usually I'm always light in any party. I like dancing, eating, playing games and many more. But this time, something in me, just didn't feel like partying. I guess it's the fact that I'm missing Damian.. alot. I really want to see him but why isn't he here. His brother's and sister's are... even his dad, Mr Wayne is here. I decided to ask Dick about Damian's absence. I glanced around the room and spotted him in the kitchen with Kori, helping up with the dishes. I got up, and walked towards them.

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