The End

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Welp, this story has come to an end.. There might be another story, there might not be. It all depends on how much I can juggle between school and my free time. 😂
Anyways, I would like to apologise about this story being so,,,, dramatic/boring... not having enough cute moments. It's just my idea of building up their relationship. I don't like getting straight to the point 😅.. and this story is also my way of showing the people out there who is suffering in silence that they won't be alone forever. The only think that but trust me, it's not true. Because one day, someone's gonna come into your life and put all of your broken pieces back together. Believe me, that time, all your smiles will be real. No longer fake. 😉🤗
Once again I apologise for this boring ass story. If I do plan to make a new story, it'll be better because now they're already a thing 😉🤣... Also, thank you so so so soooooo much for reading and voting on this story. I can't tell you guys how it means to me. 🤗🤗💖
Btw, check out my next story Toxic Merman (JonDami Fic) which is sorta the sequel to this story.

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