The House On Fire (part 1)

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Picked from internet.. not mine.

Hi, I am Khushi, let me tell you about the night my life changed forever... the night when I thought I was about to die.. the night I lost my sanity.

It was a warm spring night and I was 15 years old. My parents had gone on holiday for a weekend, leaving me and my twin sister Paaro home alone. We invited our two best friends, Rudra and Arnav over to keep us company.

We were in my bedroom listening to music. Arnav reached out and lowered the volume.

'Hey, why don't we tell some scary stories?' He said.

'I'm also in the mood for a scare,' Paaro agreed.

'Sounds like a good idea,' Rudra agreed.

'Who's going to go first?' Paaro asked.

'Uh..I have one,' I volunteered. 'But..I don't know if I should tell it...'

'Come on,' Rudra said. 'Let's hear it!'

'OK,' I said. ' It's a pretty terrible story I heard once. It happened many years ago. There was a man who had a 7 year old son. His wife had died giving birth to the boy. They lived way out in the countryside and there were no neighbors for miles. They didn't even have a phone, because at the time, the lines didn't stretch out that far.

One day, the father came home from work and he was horrified to find that his house was on fire. He immediately thought about his young son and he rushed inside, calling the boy's name. When he heard his son answer, he realized that the poor boy was trapped in his bedroom.

The father ran to the door and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. A beam had fallen from the bedroom ceiling and blocked the door. He banged and banged on the door with all his might, but it was too solid. He even rushed against it with his shoulder, trying to break it down, but it was no use. All the time, he could hear his son screaming. The boy was in a panic, screaming and crying out for help.

The man kept trying to batter down the door, but no matter what he did, it held firm. He shouted in rage. He wailed in despair. He no longer thought about anything else, just the door and his son screaming on the other side.

His son burned to death in the house. The father died too. He never managed to open the door, and he stayed there to the end, desperately trying to break it down until he succumbed to the smoke and the flames..'

Arnav looked at me in disgust and said, 'That's not scary.'

'I have to admit it's pretty weak,' Rudra agreed.

'I second you, its more sad than scary,' Paaro also agreed.

That's when I decided to tell them the last part of the story. I hadn't planned on telling them that part, but I got carried away trying to impress them. It was so stupid to continue. I should never have told them.

'Wait, you don't know the rest of the story,' I said. 'Ever since then, the father's ghost is still trying to open the door and save his son. And if you say... Uh ...well I'd rather not say the exact words.. But basically if you call him and tell him that everything is burning and ask him to come and help you, his ghost will appear at your door and take you away...'

Rudra looked at me thoughtfully. 'Have you ever tried it?' he asked.

'No,' I replied. 'I'd be too scared to test it out.'

Arnav had a gleam of excitement in his eyes. 'Hey! We should do it right now!' he said.

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