°♡~a new beginning ~♡°

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fleachare POV:
It is my first day of school at this college that my adoptive parents bought for me because they are very rich.
I'm on my way to math right now and I have no idea what to do because frankly I'm very ignorant in every subject I'm in good thing my parents are rich.
I'm very anxious I will fail like I did in highschool and disappoint my parents like always. im so anxious I run my fingers though my golden brown blonde hair it is wet beacsue I sweat because in nervous.
I'm waiting outside the door
oh no
the bell starts ringing I walk In I'm the first scholar hear. kids walk in I'm no longer alone and in fear.
briefly after everyone walks in a tall darker woman walks in with chrly hair walks in and I assume shes the professor. I am right.
she rights her name on the board "Mrs g" and introduced herself to the class
"hello everyone I'm milloux G. but that's MRS g to you"
for some reason a chill went down my spine I'm scared now I think cus its math but like I dunno she kinda sexy but then I remember I'm a gay smol bean ^_^.
I quickly noticed theres an empty seat in the class I ask why its empty miss g replied
"oh looks like someone's running late"
uh oh looks like a little someone's in touble.......................
~10 minutes later~
a taller dark haired boy open the door dashes in the classroom and slams the door. he quickly goes to the empty seat and MRS g says
"wyatt why are you late? you know this is the first day of math class. do u wanna get expelled on the first day of collge?"
wyatt sweating from dashing from his dorm to classroom his shirt was wet and you could see his nipples. his hot sexy nipples. I'm oddly intrigued by this I dont know why.
he looks so familiar he kinda looks like me in a way but I think it's just a coincidence.
wyatt quickly replied to MRS g he looks very upset
"I'm sorry miss I'm really sorry my adoptive dad died today I just got the news I'm sorry it wont happpen"
he gets on his knees and goes up to her and prays for forgiveness .
"oh I'm sorry honey bun I'll make it slide u can leave if u like I know how hard it is"
wyatt wiped his tears and said
"no it's okay it's not a big deal or anything" then he started layghing.
wow hes so cool and awesome i know how it feels to hide ur feelings I can tell hes doing that. I dont know if jesus crazy or not but I'm kinda into it :3.
as soon as I know it math class is over and i didny even pay attention to it except wyats hard nipples . I kinda wanna go and talk to him but hes way out of my league and probably straight anyway.>:(

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