♤and so it begins♤

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wyat POV
tw nsfw
I get in the car pt cruiser and move the pile of crack on the floor so fletechr doesn't think i'm messy.
I drove to his dorm and hwy him and hes already outside and said
"hi sexy beautiful are u ready for our date?"
I says "yes I'll sooo excited got are gunna be blown away"
he says "ooo cried happy tears this is the gratest day of my life take me!"
I drive start the car and drive down to the nearest alley way and we're set mt hollow slayer the hhe had some tricks up his sleeve for us ;3.
as we are walking tword Slater he sees us and says
"yo dawg what's up"
I do our friendship handshake 
5 minutes later after hand shake
"nothing much just with my beautiful sexy boy fletcher shears" i say <3
and then fletcher said
"hey I though this was going to be a romantic date between the to of us     >:( what happened. ?"
slayer replied looking offended
"don't you know? eyatt is poly??? he invited us so we can all do crack together .!"
fletcher turned to me in fear seeing through his clotes once again
"are you braking I'll with me?" T-T
I reply in depressing
"nooo nooo I assume cus wef look the same you had the same thoughts and wanted to be poly and crake too!"
fleyxbwr said sobbing, covering his hands and run to the corner
"I though I was youre only cracked are you cheating on me????"he cries.
I say
"no wai-"
before I can finish fletcher run to the car crying and screaming I look at Slater and run to him fletche picks rhe crack up from the floor and dose the cracke all by himself!!
I see this and go inside the car n say
"i'm so sorry about tonight i'm so sorry I really thought u were poly to cus we look the same it must be a coincidence"
fletcher is eating the crack.
"I wish you cared about me like I cared about you I feel so unimportant and why are so mad I feel like you hate me...." he said
then I answered
"I don't hate you, I just wanna be your baby and for you to be mine. "
then he stopped eating the crack looks at me mad and sternly and said
"cross out the last six words and your right..."
I look at him back sadly
"i'm serious! your my one and only crack whore...I love you baby. "
I think to myself.  fletcher shears.. hes so odd he is a stellar feller.
I blushssd.
fletcher looks at me and says
"am I reallt your crack whore? :D"
"yes ROFL!" I says.
fletcher looked at me and said "I love you daddey"
me absolutely shocked leaned fuming passionately to him and makes out with him with wel.... I guess u can say the strongest mucle in the bodey. YAS!
wr learned back and then I said
"sorry not that.  I don't usual kiss on first day"
he says
"iits ok blushes and nuzzles :3"
ne my face reeeed,  takes him back to him dorm and takes him outside anad kiss his hot juicey wet lips (caused by me).
they taste like crack heehee my faoritit flavor.
fletcher said "good bye cutie I'll see you in math class tomorrow;)"
"good bye
I said and drove away

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