☆smol journies☆

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wyatt POV
I go back typ my dorm from our stellar exchange and now I can't stop thinking about it I wonder if hes thinking the same golly! I hope so
I check my watch its 8:30am and I tell myself school starts at 9 so I rush to my shower and get all the lice and maggots out theres less than usual this time but I still STINK!
I drink so bad thay green comes are coming out of my body like that one game people play ive never played it but I've seen it in other fanfictions of of this world if that exists (probably not)
10 minots later I am out of the shower I'm clean and fresh and I'm sparkling because im cool.
I still have lice but less.
I put on my favorite tee shirt with marinara sauce stans and crusty bondage pants that are broken and my favorite dice martens that are have holes in them they are very worn. and greasy.
my favorite clotes.
I rush out the door and go to class then I see fletcher talking to a man with glasses and a beard hes very old .
as I walk past him and the gut fletcher was laughing hard and giggling does he like him wtf
I go to my seat i'm the only one their cus the bell didnt ring yet
a few minutes go by and the bell ring because it is time for school.
and then
I sit down and in the first row I see fletcher hes looking down and the anorher girl passes him quickly and passes him and bumps into him and pushes all his books and calls him a freak with lice
I look at the bully she has has half purpl and green hair mullet its awesome she scowled at me called me racist.
fletcher is crying on the floor he is sad I help pick his books up and talk to him and asked if he knows anything abt the bully
"no she is new I dont know her"
he says "no but i have a cyber bully alert and it could be her"
i says "cyber bully alert why didnt u tell me"
then he sayed "well it was late I was too erm excited cus of well our stellar extange and I wanted to distract myself. someone bullied me and they were mean and not cool so I called cyber police and he told me she died what if shes a ghost?"
I say "thatz impossible not ghost I'll go talk to her"
fletcher sighs in release. "Thx daddey"
another boring day of class exists and I go decide to talk typ the bully to talk to her and know what up then I see her
"hey why did u bully my boyfriend not cool or nice."
she said looking down and up and said "because hes a freak and it makes me angry"
I say "hey u cant help that he has a disability are u bullytron on msp??"
she sayed "no who's bullytron64 that's name is lame also what is msp that donr make no sense i dont hsve wifi I'm poor"
ok i say "why do u bully him"
she replied "his face makes me angry I'm gunna drink his blood. and there nothing u can do abt it"
i gasped "ur mean and not a vampire"
she said "um yes I am freaking racist o drink blood for a living."
i said "hey I'm not racist just italian."

I leave and go to fletcher cus shes a freak and when I was walking away the girl flipped me off ok hoes mad idc i say to myself I go to fletcher and hes talking to the old man again
"hey Wanda date" fletcher asked him as I wait.
"sorry no I'm married" the guy said
"wtf who" fletcher said
"oh shes awesome possum theres an image "
he showd fletcher a picture if him and a girl with blue hair and weird makeup and alot of chokers and its poofy she looks like she does crack and she seems a little younger but I wont judge.
then the old man left.
fletcher seemed upset and looked up
and I was right there. and I laughed nervously
"hey wyatt wanna go to our dorm hehe"
I didnt respond.  I am mad angry.
"how bout u hang out with oldie" I say
fletcher gasped.....

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