■●•we be grindin ■●•

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We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be lookin', lookin', lookin'
To get our crunk
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be lookin', lookin', lookin'
To get our crunk
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be lookin', lookin', lookin'
To get our crunk
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be lookin', lookin', lookin'
To get our crunk, crunk, crunk, crunk
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs
We be grindin', grindin' grindin'
Up in the clubs

wyatt POC
I stop kissing my fletcher prince baby boy bubble twink angel honey sweet pea apple pie honay bear baby boy for a second and j say
"hey have u ever been on a plane?"
fletchy baby says "no ive only drove out of state to arizona or Texas for personal reasons"
I had a dream last night and I wa anted to know if he wanted to go to Hawaii and I told him this
"why u wanna go to hawaji" my baby said gasping I  excitement happily.
I sayed "because well I have a secret I haven't told u about cuteheart, I'm racist and I hate everyone who is not white but I would love to go to Hawaii and join an Indian tribe and do a celebration with u."
fletchy said"whait so yr rascist wtf but u wanna do an Indian tribe??"
I sayed In response " yea i even bought black face paint from the dollar store for us baby!!"
fletchy said "okay do u got money to go n how long'
I let him know "well in between a week and 2 months!!!"
fletcher wanted to know what about school or college and I told him
"I already emailed the school printable about this and hes also racist so it ok we can go for free"
fletxher seemed worried so I sayed
"dont u know??? I'm wyatt shears and ur fletcher I forgot ur last name but we will rule the world we will be awesome together we are great!!!!"
I sayed that.
"let's do it" fletcher sayed
we get on the plane then we go to Hawaii it  a bad plain so it's a day long cus it's a shipping plane and it taked us a day and and it's a very long plain ride but I'm still excited so its is okay.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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