♡°life is a puzzle u gotta enjoy°♡

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fleatcher POV
nsfw warnint
I am very dumb and sad I just couldnt resist I love old men they are sexy
"no i'm open to being poly now cus ikow ur into Slater so maybe we can start out but we cant cys the old man isnt poly but I was just open to it now." I sayed
wyatt said "u didnt even tell me tho wtf"
I sayed "I'm sorry I'm stupid and dumb I wont talk to him again
qyatt said "ok..... u wanna go make out? babey prince"
I said "ok of course I do my sweetest king let's go"
we walk to his dorm holding eatchothers sweaty greasy hands in pure excited I'm so excited to taste wyats sweet awesome sweet rosy lips again on mine blushed hehe :3
wyatt closes and locks the door and says"are you ready my prince"
"oh boy am I " I say
my lips press against his it's very hot and sexy
2 hours later
awesome make out sesh in my opinion wyatt agrees I love that fella.
hehe I hope I get to kiss him again soon
"I love u so very much babey i hope u know thar."he said
"i love u so much my sweetest king" i replied. I live him hes so cool

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