~♡i still dont know where everything went♡~

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fletcher POV

after a uh well... I guess u can say a stellar moment with my sweetest king I went to my up dorm and opened my computer fastly and I went on my favorite website movie star planet.
it is my favorite website to contact my bestie/bf or I guess u can say my sweetest king as well.
as I was driving into my movie star planet acc (friend me its @ wyattlover27)
I type In my password wyattisdadday69
and log on in!
after a 10 minute loading I got to my account and suddenly an anonomously account named bullytron64 messaged me something mean!
and the message said (you cannot belive this)
"tbh I'm not trying to be mean or anything but u kinda look a girl. and I'm gunna be honest if u were to die a horrible death I would probably laugh"
I jump up absolutely in shock why would someone say this I'm going absolutely bonkers I call 911 or as u can say the cyber police.
911 answers and says "hello yes this is 911 what is it
emergency "

I say "this person is mean and did a threat and called me a girl which is mean cus I am a guy."
and then 911 said "dont panic it's ok we will send u to cyber police he will message u on movie star planet and save the day"
I am still violently sobbing but I hang up and check movie star planet inbox bullytron64 is still sending me dead threats and I don't know thay to do I wish I wasn't a bottom bed size i'm so sensitive I wish my sweetest king was hear to save me but he is not I hope the cyber police is awesome and can be mean to bullytron64 and destroy them I hope.
shortly maybe like 10 minutes later cyber police contacted me and sayed "ok eyem here to save the day hello feather shear my name is wil Weaton I'm here to be nice and be mean to. bullytron64 "
I jump up and gasping and a sharp sign of realise knowing that my heroism here to save me" I type
"awight ok, great what will u do to save my life Mr wheaton I'm really counting on you I think I'm gunna die and get cardiac arrest if u dont save the day right now ur my hero thx"
cyber police said "well I plan on being g very mean to bully and I will let u know what happens"
cyber police messaged bullytron64 saying"helli bullytron64 if that is ur real name. u will not hurt feather anymore because it is mean and hes dying and if you don't le people they aren't forcing you to follow and check up on them dont make fun of them"
bullytron64 sayed"ur ugly and untalented so shut up" (thay keep being mean more bad comebacks from bullytron please stop ur mean and bad)
cyber pole said and destroyed her sating" well guess what ur personality is ugly so...."
this killed bullytron64 anD they died and popped and exploded and is dead now and not alive and buried in their death grave and not to mention they are now dead.
cyber price messages me saying "good news the bad guy go deadened and all it says it numbers th at mean nothing"
I am lo laughing and cry ik ng of happy and say
,"thank you how wille well I ever repay you love you you are cool and awesome"
cyber polexce said"dawg dis mah job its okay ur welcome I guess? damn ma is it really that serioys????"
I close my computer wow cyber police is so cool I wish I could kiss him on the cheek hes so cool wait I'm wyats crack whore I can't think NSFW like that
Iam so attached to people thayt I barely even know it's because i'm quirky.
I go to bed dreaming about my two men thay I have a new crush on: uwu wyatt and cyber police :3 goodnite moon

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