!! disclaimer & other notes !!

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i'm aware i should've added this in the description but i figured it would ruin the flow.


The Lego Ninjago Movie & Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu doesn't belong to me. i am just simply borrowing the characters & the world & using them in my oneshots. plot is original unless of course the oneshot is directly based on a song.


i primarily write for TLNM since most don't write oneshots for it ( & i absolutely love the movie ngl ). i'll occasionally write for the series though so don't worry ;)

also lowercase is intended as i said in the description so if it bothers you, i am sorry but this is how i will type my stories.

everything that i'll be writing will have 1k words plus. 1k exact would be the lowest i would go. 2k is the bare minimum. 5k is the goal. so, expect my oneshots to be a long, long read.

i only write x readers, alright? alright. i probably wouldn't write for zane unless requested because i don't know how to write for his character ( cries in the corner ).

most will be fluff.

there will be the occasional angst but it will be scarce.

i won't do smut but i'll write nsfw-ish if you guys want that ( like it will get a bit heated and then cut off, it's gonna be like a tease ).

i also won't write anything that covers mental illnesses, suicide and other triggering things (i.e., abuse, death) cause it would just deteriorate my own mental health. and we can't have that, writing is a coping mechanism for me.

but!! there will be times i'll mention it but it'll stop at that. i won't write any depressed!reader & anything similar. i'll mention it but i won't explore the topic.

Important Keys

y/n - your name
m/n - middle name
l/n - last name
n/n - nickname
f/n - friend's name
y/m/n - your mother's name
y/f/n - your father's name
h/c - hair colour
h/l - hair length
e/c - eye colour
f/c - favourite colour

these are just the basics. if another key is needed for a oneshot, i'll add it and what it means in the chapter it's included.

Additional Notes

i'll often incorporate songs & bands that i love in the oneshots so i, uhh, apologise for that.

there will also be some tiny nods to other oneshots that i write ( i.e., something will be mentioned that has happened in another oneshot i've written in my book ) so better watch out for those easter eggs ;)

feel free to request!

p.s. i don't know how often i'll update. my bursts of inspiration are very random but when it does happen, i'm able to spit out two or three oneshot ideas.

also writing process is a bit long as i meticulous plan out what i'll be writing ( well, most of the time ). then editing would just take a few reads before they're good to go so please

no pressure

love you all!!


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