❝ together forever ❞

2.7K 65 142

ship/s: main; lloyd x reader, others; cousin!nya & kai x cousin!reader ( the rest are bffs with y/n! yay! )

universe: movie

writing prompt: together forever by set it off

words: 14,586 ( without the lyrics of the prompt ) ; 14,846 ( with the lyrics of the prompt )

yes i'm aware i went overboard.

warning/s: alright, so there are two (2) make out scenes, one (1) flashback scene of a heated moment, implied sex, mild language ( plus gesture ), and general cuteness.

also a fight happens here so yeah.

basically emotions are all over the place god.

additional notes: y/s/n - your shipname w lloyd uwu

this is the first ninjago related oneshot i've ever written. this took four (4) weeks to finish and ngl, i love this story sm.

just so y'know, i decided to post this first because i'm too lazy to finish up the soulmate au w jay.

alright, i'm gonna stop rambling and let you read on.

also this shit has 14.6k words it's long as fuck

p.s. lyrics of the prompt are included and they are italicised and centered. just like this!

happy reading!!

and thanks for reading & voting!



'they called me up, and called you out, "where was she sleeping when she shoulda been at your house", but they don't have the letter you left me on my pillow'

misako garmadon has been on the phone with a very angry mrs. (l/n) since about 7:15 a.m.

"is she there?! she hasn't been answering her phone again!"

koko kept her calm compusure and replied with a "yes, she's here. she stayed the night. i'm positive she's in my son's room right now."

koko walked over to her son's bedroom door. then she knocked as she held the phone over at an arm's reach.


over on the other side of the room, lloyd was still asleep. in his arms was a teddy bear that his girlfriend left.

his mother knocked once again, a bit louder this time.

lloyd just buried his face into the bear, in hopes of tuning out whatever was trying to wake him up.

"lloyd!" his mom yelled and knocked again on the door as loud as she can.

this successfully woke up lloyd. he was startled awake and was now clutching at his chest. after catching his breath, he noticed that his girlfriend wasn't by his side anymore. in fact, she wasn't even in the room anymore.

his mom knocked once more.

"lloyd? are you awake?"

he got up from his bed and walked over to the door. he opened it and said, "y-yeah, mom," while yawning.

"is (y/n) there?" she asker, her head gesturing to the phone in her hand.

lloyd's eyes widen in realisation and he just shot his mom a sheepish smile.

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