❝ best birthday ever ❞

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ship/s: main; lloyd x reader
others; bffs with the rest!!

universe: movie boi

writing prompt: this is what i wish my 17th birthday would be like hahahaha

words: 8206

warning/s: underage drinking, mentions of alcohol ( i'm sorry ik i'm a bad influence but it's just something my friends and i do during occasions and i couldn't help myself

we drink moderately and safely

dont drink kids alright )

mild language

self indulgence ( i wrote this to cope oof ),

lots of hp references ( waddup fellow potterheads? )


fluff, general adorableness

additional notes: hellooooo!! its my birthday apparently.

i'm seventeen! yay! ( not rlly )

and to celebrate! i wrote this fic! i had like a week to get this shit finished cause i was panicking about turning 17 so i wrote this to cope and it helped hahahaha

but writing this and publishing it, postponed publishing another lloyd x reader i was already editing. i also postponed from finishing up the soulmate au with jay.

oops too much spoilers.

happy reading!

edit: shit so apparently im a dumbass so y/u/n means your username sorry!



it was 6:45 in the morning and the only sounds that could be heard in the l/n's apartment were the soft sizzling of the sausages mr. l/n was cooking and the soft creaks of the cupboards and mrs. l/n opened and closed them to get whatever she needed.

y/f/n was humming to himself when a knock was heard on their door.

"honey?" he asked as he placed the cooked sausages onto a table. "are you expecting someone so early in the morning?"

y/m/n perked up and finished placing the glasses on the table. "that must be lloyd."

her husband raised an eyebrow as he poured pancake batter into a different pan.

"lloyd? why'd you invite him so early in the morning?"

y/m/n wiped her hands with the shirt she was wearing. "i asked koko if he could eat breakfast with us since it's y/n's birthday after all."

then she left the kitchen. "and we need to discuss the plan, remember?"

she walked over to the door and opened it. she saw the blond boy in his usual hoodie, jeans, and worn out converse.

"morning sweetheart," she greeted sending him a smile before taking a step back to let him enter their apartment.

"good morning too mrs. l/n," he greeted back as he took a step inside the apartment.

"c'mon, my husband is making us breakfast."

lloyd nodded as he followed her to the kitchen. as they entered, mr. l/n finished putting a pancake on top of three pancakes on a plate. he glanced over at them, sending both of them smiles as he faced the stove again.

"lloyd! my future son-in-law! nice to have you with us this lovely morning! what will you be having?"

lloyd chuckled. "i-i'm fine. i'll be having what you guys will be having."

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