❝ is that fall out boy? ❞

2K 46 58

ship/s: main; jay x reader
others; friends w the clique

universe: movie ( i love movie!jay sm )

writing prompt: soulmate au

words: 11,192

warning/s: mild language

additional notes: im finally gonna publish this whew, this has been in my draft since the last two weeks of may.

i've written and rewritten this abt two times but yeah, i love soulmate aus. expect a bit more.

oh and lloyd in this oneshot is a bit out there.

enjoy & thanks for 112 reads!!

happy reading!

edit: b/n means brother's name
y/f/i/c/f means ur fave ice cream flavour




/ˈsōl ˌmāt/


a soulmate, as defined by merriam-webster, is a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

a soulmate, as defined by me, is well, is someone who you instantly have a connection with the moment you see them.

and do i believe in soulmates? possibly. i mean, i do live in a world where their first words to me is permanently tattooed on the back of my left hand.

the way it works is simple. once you and your soulmate have spoken your first words to each other, a blinding silver light would erupt from your tattoos. but the light won't be visible to anyone else but you two. convenient, honestly.

i was six-months-old when the first words of my soulmate appeared on my hand. it says, 'is that fall out boy?' seeing this made my parents both delighted... and confused.

delighted because their only daughter has a soulmate and wouldn't be a lonely fucker for the rest of her life. and confused because 'holy shit, what's fall out boy?'

in all honesty, i was confused too. i didn't know what fall out boy was, is, or will be.

plus insecure, especially when i was in elementary. a lot of kids had small words or introductions like 'hey,' or 'hello.' others had compliments or small questions.

well i, on the other hand, was stuck with 'is that fall out boy?'

i finally found out what fall out boy was when i was twelve. i was flipping through random radio stations when this awesome song with a sick beat was playing on one.

i was hooked to it. so hooked in fact, my brother caught me playing an invisible air guitar along to the song. sure, i could hardly understand what the lyrics were. it sounded like gibberish but awesome gibberish. that didn't stop me from becoming a fan.

i made it my personal quest to find out who sang the song. find the song now, dedicate my entire life to them later. and that it what i did exactly, i tuned in to the same radio station everyday.

i couldn't just type in lyrics because i couldn't understand what the lead singer was even saying. and google wouldn't accept 'hey what's that killer song with a sick drum beat?'

trust me, i tried.

i waited and waited and waited and waited. i was starting to give up hope when "alright! alright! next up is dance, dance by fall out boy!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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