❝ family ❞

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relationship/s: main; kai x reader others; twin!jay x twin!reader, young!lloyd x babysitter!reader

universe: series! woot!

writing prompt: none ;)

words: 5799 ( god this is long )

warning/s: just pure cuteness and oh mild language. plus y/n & kai fight so :c ( oops spoilers )

additional notes: i just wrote this out in one afternoon, it honestly scared me.

happy reading!



having a twin while growing up has its perks. one of those perks is never being bored because you have your forever playmate with you at any given moment. plus if you did grow bored all you have to do is poke him repeatedly in the face till he gives in.

being jay's younger twin sister while growing up, again, has its perks. he being exposed to machineries & inventing at a young age due to our dad made me want to get into it too. and i did, and that became our usual walker twin bonding thing.

even though we had contrasting personalities, he being extroverted, talkative and loud like our parents and i am more introverted and self reserved ( but i could get talkative too depending on my mood, the topic, and who i was talking to ), jay & i got along super well.

mom did always tell me that we balance each other out perfectly well. and i've got to admit, she's right. there had been numerous occasions where our contrasting personalities helped us out.

there was this time, jay built a jetpack and he wanted to make sure it worked so of course that meant he climbed on top of a mountain of junk.

i used my level headed reasoning and listed numerous outcomes that might happen if it failed. it included being in the hospital, having a huge ass hospital bill, having tons of broken bones, and not being able to invent for a couple of months.

he listened and got down. but only for a few minutes cause after then he was back on top the mountain and he jumped.

was it successful? no.

jay also helped me out by making me take a step out of my comfort zone that one time we were ten-years-old.

there was this singing competition and somehow jay managed to make me sign up. i was ready to back out cause i had major stage fright. plus i was already throwing up in a trash can backstage.

but jay talked me into not backing out using his charm and persuasion and i won the competition. that awakened something in me and after that i immediately joined the local children's chorus. i've been thankful ever since that jay made me do it.

but even though we have our differences, we also have our similarities. other than inventing, another thing we have in common is our r/suicidebywords humour.

i'm not sure what started this self depreciating humour between us but it just kind of happened. and now, we have an unspoken competition where the twin that made the more jokes won.

i'm starting to believe we need help.

another thing we have in common is music taste.

we discovered we had similar taste when i found a song named 'dear maria, count me in' in my youtube recommendations. jay & i were in the garage, jay was tinkering about while i tried to find some music that fits the mood. i was curious and the guy on the thumbnail was an absolute cutie so i clicked it.

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