Character Bio: Valerie

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Creature: Sea Nymph

Pronouns: She/Her

Orientation: Questioning/Curious

Age; 23-24 (human years) (Adult-Immortal)

Birthday: Feb. 12th

Height: 6ft

Learned Powers: Hydrokinesis, no matter how small (even tears). Can create small hurricanes. must be near a body of water to be able to control it, can store a limited amount of water in her body, cannot CREATE water (aside from tears, sweat, etc). Easiest to manipulate pure water, can manipulate other liquids but the thicker/more chemicals and other things there are mixed in the more difficult it becomes.

Desired/Developing Powers: Invisibility, ice based powers (melting/freezing water),

Status: Runaway/ One of the Fae Five


* Seductive, Flirty (in a one night stand kind of way)

* Sarcastic, Cold, Distant

* Curious, Impatient, Reserved, Mischievous, Smart, Dominant, Smart Ass, Realist, adventurous, Inquisitive, Protective, slight Tsundere

* Has severe anxiety but masks it well

Likes: music (any genre really, but has a soft spot for indie), Keenan (in a protective older sister way), sunsets, dancing, practicing new magic/powers, sleep, The company of her friends (especially Rusty... ;) ), adventure

Dislikes: Puns (unless Keenan makes them, then there are some exceptions), slow walkers/fliers, boredom

Goal(s): Self Preservation, protect friends, free other magical creatures from human experimentation, stop the war between humans and magical creatures


Valerie's family was of high social ranking amongst water spirits, also widely acknowledged in the rest of the Fae Community. Valerie could be considered a "princess".

Keenan - brother (non-biological, chosen family)

Father/Mother - most powerful sea nymphs, seen as a sort of ruler/of high social ranking in the water spirit/Fae world

Siblings ( biological) - 4 sisters and 2 brothers.

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