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                     FAE RUNAWAYS TAG

Started by @alex_needs_sleep and @emilyfrostcosplay on Instagram.

This tag consists of fictional fantasy characters, at the time of this post including

Alex's (@alex_needs_sleep) OCs:
Valerie the Sea Nymph
Rusty the Fire Pixie
Ashes the Fire Pixie
Axel the Blacksmith Pixie
Gale the Storm Pixie
Aster The Elf
Levy the Elf
Dr. Asriel Valentine
Dr. Adrian Harlow

Emily's (@emilyfrostcosplay) OCs:
Keenan the Elf
Monica Bailey
Quinn Bailey
Liv The Naiad
Dr. Lydia Atwood
Dr. Catherine Bailey

And the rest of the Bailey family;  

James Bailey

Irene Bailey

Nathan Bailey (but cosplayed by Alex)

Julia Bailey

                    *MORE OCS TO COME*

This tag is open to whoever would like to create an OC for it,


Any OCs created by anyone other than Alex or Emily will NOT be considered canon to this universe/Tag unless otherwise acknowledged and approved by us.

So you can make an OC for the tag, they just won't be part of the actual story we are developing.

               Rules for Creating an OC
(Unless otherwise approved by one of us)

1. Your character may NOT be in romantically involved with any of our OCs.
They can be friends, but nothing beyond that.
2. Your OC can NOT be related to/a family member of our OCs (by blood or otherwise).

Otherwise, have fun and be creative! 😁

The Fae RunawaysWhere stories live. Discover now