Character Bio: Keenan

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Creature: Elf

Pronouns: He/Him

Orientation: Asexual, Panromantic

Age: 23 in human years (Adult/Immortal)

Height: 5'7"

Birthday: December 17th.

Powers: Slight influence/control of plants, and pyrokinesis (control over fire)

Status: Runaway/One of the Fae Five


*Shy, Timid, Flighty (will flinch at sudden movements), Quiet, Reserved.

*Curious, Emotional (as in, in-tune with his emotions), a Sweetheart.

*(And yet when provoked); Protective, Violent, Mean, Loud, and Powerful (only Valerie and Ashes can get him out of these rages, otherwise they pass over a lengthy amount of time).

Likes: Family, safety, music, Ashes (he keeps this quietly to himself for a while), reading, exploring, helping plants and animals, helping in general, rain, the beach and sea, lakes (any body of water really), quiet, singing and dancing and music (Ashes teaches him), hugs, cuddling, puns.

Dislikes: Fire (when it's out of control), thunder, nightmares, humans, Valerie's family (for hurting her), pranks (Valerie can talk him into some sometimes though).


Taken away from his clan, his family.

Valerie: Sister (chosen family/best friend).

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