Character Bio: Dr. Lydia Atwood

613 15 3

Creature: Human...?

Pronouns: She/Her

Orientation: Pansexual and Aromantic

Age: 37

Height: 5'7" (5'9" with her heels on)

Colour Scheme: Oranges, purples, blacks, whites.

Powers/Abilities: No powers, but extremely intelligent and manipulative. Used these gifts of hers to found the Department of Fae Investigation. 


Head Scientist and Founder of the Department of Fae Investigation. She rarely personally experiments on the fae the Department captures, but takes interest in "special" ones - fae with more power or less power, considering their backgrounds, but is in charge of everything going on in the Department. Secretive and keeps to herself in the Department; rarely seen except for her chosen lieutenants. 


*Intelligent, curious, manipulative.

*Seductive, teasing, flirty (one-night-stand way/manipulation tactic)

*Cold, calculating, some would say emotionless.

Likes: When things go her way, experiments, mysteries and puzzles, being in charge, power.

Dislikes: When people talk back, experiments don't work or go array, when things can't be solved, and not being in control.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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