4 am (Namjin)

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I tried to make this a drabble but I have 23 too many words. :(

It's 2:00 am. Namjoon wakes up in a cold sweat. This has been happening for days now. 

"Again honey? Go back to sleep."

 But he can't sleep. He sneaks out into the kitchen.

"Namjoon? What are you doing?"

He continues stirring.

"Are you making brownies?"


"Are you making brownies?"


"I'm going back to bed. I better get some of those in the morning."

"Of course, dear."

" Again? It's 4 am. Why are you making so many sweets?"

"I'm celebrating the death of my sleep schedule. Want a cookie?"

"Of course."

They spend the next couple of hours eating sweet together.

Namjoon wakes up again. He heads to the kitchen.

"Why are you making chocolate pudding?"

"I'Ve lOsT cOnTrOl Of My LiFe"

BTS Oneshots Part 1Where stories live. Discover now