Pillows, movies, and cuddles (Taekook)

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Jungkook wanders around the house, in search of any stray pillows.

"Kookie! Where are all the pillows?"

"You'll see, hyung!"

Satisfied, he heads back into the living room. He rearranges a couple of things then call to his hyung

"Tae!!! Come watch a movie with me!"

"I'm trying to clean up!"


"Fine! But it better be a short one!"

He walks into the living room to see his boyfriend sitting in the middle of a mountain of pillows, a stack of DVDs in his hand.

"What did you do?"

"I made us a bed! Now come pick a movie!"

He takes a seat next to kookie and rests his chin on his shoulder to look at his choices.

"This one."


Jungkook puts the DVD in the player and sits in front of Tae. The elder laughs and picks Jungkook up to set him in his lap. Kookie leans back and Tae places a kiss on the side on his head.

The movie ends and kookie takes out the DVD and puts it back in its case with a pout on his lips.

"Let's watch another one, yeah?"

Jungkook immediately perks up and puts in another movie, sitting across from Tae when he's done.

Tae leans forward and places a soft kiss on kookie's nose. He giggled softly. 

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I can't believe we're dating."

"I know."

"It makes me so happy that everyone knows you're mine."

"Same goes for you."

He places another kiss on Kookie's nose.

"I'm so happy we're together."

"Me too. I love you"

"I love you too."

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