Chapter 3

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Awsten's P.O.V.

After my last class, I walked down the foreign stairs to my new high school. I couldn't believe my mom made us move to Houston. I was perfectly fine in Austin, but of course she had to move me here. I only had one friend, my best friend, Otto Wood, but sadly he was back home. 

This was my second day here and I already hated it. 

I've been hearing what is going around and it's my last high school all over again. I would have been better off over there because at least I had a friend, but now I'm all on my own. 

I walked to a shaded tree area waiting for my mom to pick me up. I was spacing out until someone sneaked up behind me causing me to drop my binder. 

I mentally groaned, but quickly picked up all my belongings and held my binder up to my chest not looking at the person. 

"You know, it's not polite to ignore people, princess.", he laughed. 

Don't look Awsten. It's fine. He'll go away soon. Just breathe. 

He laughed bending down and picked something off the floor by my foot. He then stood up eye - level to me making me see his face. 

My breath hitched in my throat looking in his eyes. Those blue crystal eyes staring back at me. I was lost in my thoughts until he placed my forgotten paper in the opening of my binder. 

"Don't forget this.", he smirked and I tensed up at the name and him being so close to me. I broke eye contact with him and looked down. 

He laughed obviously because of my actions. 

God, I hate myself. Why did I show emotions. I should have just stared ahead. I should have - 

"See you around, princess", he said and just like that he left. 

I was left there feeling embarrassed and numb. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. 

I was put out of my thought when a beeped sounded and I turn seeing it was my mom. 

And you couldn't come sooner. 


I was left with my thoughts looking at the ceiling thinking back to those blue eyes I met today. 

Who was he?

I was interrupted in my thoughts when my phone vibrated. 

Otto Wood

I smiled and picked up the phone immediately.

"Otto! What's up?"

"What's up with me? What's up with you?! How was school today Aws? Was it any better than yesterday?", Otto asked on the other line. 

"No. I mean like my partner Hayley put me on full blast in front of the whole class just because I asked for her input. I hate her. She always tells me to grow up just because I don't 'talk to her loud enough', like girl I'm not comfortable around you and you being like that isn't going to lead me to liking you.", I snickered. 

Otto laughed, "I love you Aws, but you gottta start talking a bit more. Who knows maybe you'll make a new friend."

I stayed silent. 

"Aws, look I know it's hard, but please try for me. Imagine if you never said hi to me in sophomore year. I know it's hard for you, I get that, but please try. For me.", Otto pleaded his voice going soft knowing I hate talking about this topic. 

"It's just - I don't want anyone else. I just want you. Who needs new friends. I'm fine the way I am. I - "

"Aws,  you know you're not fine. You hate new settings and I can tell you hate your new school. Just say hi to someone. Stay soft if you need to until you feel comfortable around them, but please do this not just for me, but for yourself.", Otto pleaded. 

Otto has always been my rock. He would always try to help me and guide me. I never wanted to disappoint him. 

"Fine. But only because you're right. I can't stay going on like this forever."

"Thank you. I really appreciate it and trust me you'll be fine.", Otto reassured. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever.", I laughed.

"Well I gotta go, but please keep me updated, okay?"

"Okay.", I assured. 

"Thank you. I love you, Aws."

"I love you too, Otto.", I hung up the phone and laid back down looking at the ceiling. 

Stay soft if you need to until you feel comfortable around them, but please do this not just for me, but for yourself. 

I sighed. 

Tomorrow's going to be interesting. 

You Take My Silences and Make Them Less Alone // GawstenWhere stories live. Discover now