Chapter 7

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"So Awsten, what's your favorite ice cream?", I asked. 

"Uh swirl?", he answered confused. 

"Really cause you don't seem sure?", I asked laughing. 

He looked down playing with his hands. I left him sitting alone, walking up to the ice cream truck getting two ice creams - one swirl and one vanilla. I made my way back to the bench we were sitting at seeing Awsten still playing with his hands. 

"Here you go. One swirl.", I smiled giving him his ice cream with his spoon. 

He looked up and for the first time I could have sworn I saw a tiny smile. He took it out of my hands and said a small thank you. 

We ate our ice cream in silence, but it was a good silence. I kept reminding myself of the bet and each day it seemed to be getting easier, but at the same time it became harder. I didn't know what to do next. Should I flirt with him? Should I keep going slow? I decided on doing what I do best so I picked the first. 

"So Awsten, why are you always so quiet sweetheart. I love hearing your voice.", I smirked. 

He met my eyes once I said the petname and he gulped. He started looking everywhere, but at me. 

I kept going. 

"Woah sweetheat, look at me. You're fine. You're okay.", I say getting up from sitting in front of him to sitting besides him. 

Once I sat beside him, he met my eyes. 

"You good?", I asked brushing my hand against his. 

He nodded quickly looking down. 

I loved the affect I had on people, I smiled to myself. 

"Listen princess, I don't know about you, but I think you have the cutest voice ever so I would love it if you would talk to me more", I said not lying about his voice being cute.  

"I just don't know what to say.", he says silently looking down. 

"Then don't say anything.", I say putting my hand under his chin making him look up at me. I slowly start to lean in until he stands up and stumbles over falling on the floor. 

I laugh getting up holding my hand out. "You need help?", I ask, but of course he doesn't take it and gets up by himself. 

He dusts himself off and quickly backs away from me.

"Um - I gotta - uh I gotta go. Bye.", he says quickly turning on his heel leaving me standing there alone. 

You Take My Silences and Make Them Less Alone // GawstenWhere stories live. Discover now