Broken Promises Same With Hearts

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A\N this story is something I thought of when I was like half asleep so don't bother me if you think it's bad cause frankly I don't care , but if you think it's good tell me!!!

§§§§§ who-vahkiin out §§§§§


"I reject you Tess" he told me "wha..what do you mean, Colin?" "I mean, I don't want you; You're too insane and I don't want a mate or at least a mate like you" he sneered. "What do you mean a mate like me?" I seethed tears running down my face. "I mean I don't want a mate that's as ugly or fat as you, you stupid mutt!" he spat. I narrowed my eyes and glared at him, oh hell no he just rejected me and now he has the audacity to call me ugly and fat, I laughed a humourless laugh. "Fine reject me, I don't care but I will tell you this, you are going to regret it." I spoke in a deadly calm voice. I then turned and shifted into my cream and black wolf that has one streak of light blue going from the top of my forehead to my nose. I heard him gasp oh right no one has ever seen my wolf before oh well, and went home.

Here let me tell you a few things about myself.

My name is Lutessa Branden but most people call me Tess or Tessa. My hair color is black with blue streaks and the tips of it is dyed pink length well it comes to about my waistline. My eyes are blueish gray, I'm 5'7" and my body is average. I'm a little fat, not like really horrible but I'm not model skinny. I'm 16 and a senior in high school, I know your probably thinking that's not right but I am sorta really smart so I skipped a grade. Some people think I'm weird, others think I'm a freak but most just think I'm flat out insane, and their not far off, but hey I can still be smart though. Oh yeah I'm a werewolf if you didn't already guess. I live in the pack house to the Gray Moon pack. My wolf's name is Pluto her eyes are pale blue.

My mom is 45 but doesn't look a day over 32 she is 5'6" and has brown curly hair, gray eyes, and a warm smile. My dad is 47 but looks like he's 35. He has blonde hair, green eyes and is pretty tall around 6'4". He's very protective of his family, he's also the packs beta.

I have a brother named Ian. He's 19, has blonde hair,  hazel eyes and he's 6'2. Girls love to drool over him, but he left to join his mates pack that happens to be in Hawaii. I know your probably thinking oh ,but what about his position in the pack? Here's the thing he went to stay with his mates pack because he needed to get away from this place. As he says but he'll come back when the alpha's son steps up into his position. So yeah, he moved from Delaware to Hawaii for his mate and frankly I think that's sweet. Today is the last day of high school and then I'm going off to college at the end of summer which happens to be in Hawaii. Well actually it doesn't happen to be in Hawaii but I wanted it to be in Hawaii because it would be nice to see my bother again. When he lived with us we were as thick as thieves and I'd like for us to be like that again.

I have a sister named Araura she is 14 has my mom's curly brown hair, and brown eyes, she's skinny 5'5 and has all the boys in middle school practically drooling over her. Everyone ,well not everyone, but some people think it's weird that I have black hair and different color eyes when the rest of my family has brown or blonde hair and normal eyes I just tell them that is what makes me me and that if I wasn't like that I wouldn't be me.

A\N so is the prologue good?????? You know the usual




§§§§§who-vahkiin out§§§§§

Broken Promises Same With Hearts★★★ON HOLD★★★Where stories live. Discover now