Chapter 2 - My Friend Is Obsessed With Chris Evans

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Chapter 2

Surprisingly the day wasn't all that long. Or didn't feel long.  I'm already done with school for today, driving Casey and I back home while listening to Casey's non-stop blabbing about an actor or something.

"So did you see the Avengers? Oh my god! I went and saw it the first day it was in theaters, but it's not in theaters anymore... but I think it's on DVD if it is I'm so buying it! Oh my god did you see Chris Evans? Oh he's so nice looking. I can't wait till they make the second Captain America and the second Avengers. I love Chris Evans he's so nice looking, oh wait I already said that, but yeah."

I shook my head at her obsession with Chris Evans. God help him if she is ever friends with him. She was still talking about it "Casey stop," I said sternly "I did see it, I saw it with you remember?"

"Oh yeah now I remember , I must have been so engrossed in the movie I forgot you went with me" she smiled "Yeah you must of been. You and your fascination of Chris Evans" I murmured.

"Hey its not like you don't have a fascination with...... who is it," she said thoughtfully.

She snapped her fingers and yelled out "got it you have a fascination with Paul Walker" I rolled my eyes and smiled she remembered.

"So you going to Colin's party tonight?" I scoffed "As if, I wouldn't be caught dead at a party where everyone's having sex in the open." I told her cause well that's basically what there doing.

"There are so many people at those parties groping and grinding on each other. Thanks but, I don't want to get felt up." She smirked, "Okay, chicken. Can you just come get me if I'm out past two cause the graduation ceremony is at eleven and I need to get my beauty rest." I just shook my head in response.


I smiled as I turned off my laptop, I love watching PewDiePie. I checked the time my smile fell when I saw it was three. Shit! shit! shit!

I was supposed to get Casey at two dammit! I threw on a pair of boots and grabbed my jacket, keys and phone. I texted my mom that I was on my way to get Case while running downstairs and starting car.

I frowned now what was that address? Wait I'll just look for a house with a shitload of cars parked by it. Are you wondering why they didn't have the party at the pack house?

Simple: the little kids had to be in bed and the elders go to sleep early too. So they had it at Colin's wing mans house.

I sighed as I parked my car and ran five houses to the actual house the party is in. I pushed past people to get inside, and followed Casey's sent to the den I'm guessing.

I saw Casey passed out on a pool table and made my way over to her. I picked her up, slung her over my shoulder and made my way back out of the house.

I was just about to leave when someone grabbed my hand and I felt sparks and tingles run up my arm. I almost dropped Casey but regained composure and turned to look at my mate.

I looked up and gasped "Colin" he smiled then grimaced and said "I need to talk to you outside." I nodded and said "Just let me put her in the car" and then I was off.

Colin's p.o.v

I drank a shot that was handed to me and started to make out with Christy or Candy or something when I smelt the most intoxicating smell in the world. It smelled like fall air and hazelnut .

I stood up making the girl fall to the ground, then walked out of the den and followed the smell to the front door. I looked at the girl it was coming from.

She was carrying a passed out chick. She had beautiful long black hair but it was dyed different colors. She was wearing a leather jacket, green fuzzy looking sweat pants and what looked like boots.

Hmm that's an interesting outfit I grabbed her hand that was on the door and watched as she froze. Almost dropping the girl she had slung over her shoulder she turned to face me "Colin?" she gasped.

I looked her up and down and recognized her as the beta's daughter. She is so beautiful I smiled then grimaced and remembered that she is not beautiful.

She's ugly and annoying, thinking she can do whatever she wants and just doesn't give a shit what people think of her. °I like her already ° ,my wolf purred ,°What? No you don't. Look at her she's ugly as hell!° I said to him °Don't say that about our mate° he growled back .

I rolled my eyes, whatever. "I need to talk to you outside." she nodded and said "Just let me put her in the car" then she left me.

I walked outside into the woods like twenty yards from the house. She contacted me through the mind link. "Hey where are you" she asked. "Behind the house like twenty yards into the woods" I replied blandly. "Okay" she said then cut off.

A minute later she was standing in front of me looking at me as if to say 'what did you want' I sighed well here goes nothing.

Tess's p.o.v

I looked at him and he sighed and began to speak "Listen, Tess, you know I'm your mate right?" he asked like was dumb. "Yes" I said. "And, well I just want you to know that I'm sorry for ever hurting you and-" he started lamely.

"Where is this going Colin?" I asked suspiciously please don't be what I think it is. "I reject you Tess" he said flatly as if he was talking about the weather. "Wha... what do you mean Colin?" I asked swallowing the lump in my throat.

"I mean, I don't want you, you're a stupid mutt, and I don't want a mate or at least a mate like you" He said, but he didn't sound convincing.

"What do you mean a mate like me" I seethed, feeling the tears brim my eyes. "I mean, I don't want a mate that's as ugly or fat as you! You stupid mutt!" he spat.

I narrowed my eyes, oh hell no! First he rejects me, and now to add insult to injury he has the audacity to call me ugly and fat!?!

I laughed but it held no humour "Fine reject me I don't care but I will tell you this... you will regret it." I spoke in a deadly calm voice then ran and shifted into my wolf.

I heard him gasp. Oh right no one has ever seen my wolf before. Oh well he can kiss my ass because I don't care if he thinks my wolf is ugly too. I've already been beaten down enough tonight. So whatever.

A/N Colin is such a douche bag....isn't he?

anyway I love you guys for reading's really some rubbish I pulled together :)

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☆who-vahkiin out☆

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