Chapter 4 - A not so apology

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Chapter 4

Colin's P.O.V

I awoke with a pounding headache, I didn't have clue about what happened last night. I checked the clock 10:55.

As I sat up and the events of last night came rushing back to me everything came back to me, oh god how could I have been so stupid.

°I don't know, sometimes I think I wasn't meant to be your wolf° my wolf Dax grumbled. °Yeah well I didn't see you trying to stop me° I shot back. °Well thats because I was too busy being over joyed that I found my mate that I wasn't paying attention to what my stupid jackass human was doing,° he practically screamed.

°What are we going to do now° he quizzed °nothing, we can't do anything° I said defeated °why° he asked furious °because,°

I sighed °because she'll hurt Tess and I don't think she could take all of this pain at once.° I ran my hands through my hair and got up.

°We'll just explain the situation to her,  I'm sure she'll understand° he urged °No. We can't take that risk. We have to make sure she doesn't know or else she'll just be stubborn as usual and won't take no for an answer she'll insist. That will end up getting her hurt I WON'T risk that, I'm sorry° I whispered, this is gonna be hard.

I got dressed and went downstairs, I was eating toast when I caught her sent not even a minute later there she was standing in front of me. My lip was pulled up into snarl as she smirked.

°That thing over there is the reason we can't be with our mate° I told Dax °I know° Dax snarled but in reality he growled out loud.

"Oh come Colin you know that I'm the one you really want" she said using a tone I guess she thought was seductive. "Get outta my face Gina" I growled she was now sitting in the chair next to me running her hand on my leg.

I felt disgusted and like I was about to throw up, god she appalled me so much. That was one thing my wolf and I agreed on; That this girl is probably more nasty than eating throw up.

Gina leaned in closer to me and closed her eyes. Ew was she trying to kiss me!? I shuddered, I guess she thought that it was because of her and moaned. Gross. I need to get out of here now.

I stood up and walked out of the kitchen but not before she fell on the ground with an audible thud. A smile made its way onto my face when I heard it.

I was almost to my room when Tess' door opened and Casey came out laughing. When she saw me her laughter died down and her jaw clenched while she glared at me.

"Really Colin? I always knew you were an ass but I didn't think you would be a big enough one to reject your mate! The one who was meant for you and only you. The one you were supposed to love and cherish. The one you are supposed to be with from the day you find them till the day you die..... but no." She trailed off seeming to lose herself, but quickly came back.

"Only you would find a way to break all that and hurt the one person that was meant for you" her voice was hard at the end. When I didn't say anything back she scoffed and walked past me while ramming into me.

But that didn't matter to me only one thought was running through my mind... I hurt Tess.

Of course I hurt her, what did I expect.

No I have to make this right I can't stand knowing that I hurt her. I was stupid I should have just confided in her in the first place and not have made such a rash decision and she wouldn't have gotten hurt.

I walked over to her door and knocked on it. I heard some shuffling then a thud like something fell then she cursed. She opened the door and looked surprised to see me standing at there. I looked at her, she looked beautiful.

Her hair was straightened and brushed behind her ears, she was wearing a dark blue v-neck dress, dark blue heels and a tiny bit of makeup.

  "What Colin?" she asked exasperated. Shaking my head I said "We need to talk," I explained to her.

  "And what makes you think I want to talk with you" she said through clenched teeth

"Listen you have every right to be mad a me but I need to explain to you why I did what I did" my voice was hard at the end.  "Fine" was all she said then let me in.

"Tess last night when I rejected you I didn't tell you the real reason," I paused and looked at the ground ashamed that I had hid something from my mate. "What Colin? You can tell me. I swear" she said. I looked at her and she looked sincere.

I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding and dropped my head into my hands. How can she be so calm and understanding when she was talking to me the person who rejected her.

She tapped into my thoughts and answered my question with. "Because I'm your my mate. Even if you don't want me, I am your mate and I will always love you." her voice was strained when she finished.

I looked up at her she was on the verge of tears my chest tightened when she said I didn't want her. I grabbed hold of her and held her upper arms.

"I...I" I was about to tell her why we couldn't be together, but then realized we still couldn't.                    We never would be able to.So I thought against it without Dax's approval I made a lie.

  "Listen, we," I pointed between us "would never work out. Besides, I'm going to be taking up the Alpha position tomorrow and I don't think you can handle being Alpha Female." I forced out.

  All the hope that was in her eyes died out as she let the first tears slip.

I didn't like seeing my mate cry and it pained me even more to know I had caused her this pain. Dax was howling in sadness to know that his mate was in pain and that it was our fault.

She pulled out of my grasp and looked at me "Colin, when you came in here today I thought it would be to make amends. Looks like I was a fool," she ground out "I want you to get out and I don't want to ever come to my room again, or speak to me for that matter."

  And with that she kicked me out and left me with my heart aching and my wolf howling in pain. All because of one stupid night, and one stupid


So to anyone who read this before, I changed the chapter a bit as my ideas of Colin changed. I know some of you wanted them to get back together. I have other plans in store for them.






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