Chapter 5: Goodbye

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I push the door open to my home, listening carefully for the sound of life that comes from my family being awake. I hear nothing except the gentle popping of the dying embers in our fireplace.

I hurry up the staircase to the bedrooms, moving as swiftly and silently as I can. I reach Runa's room first, her door slightly ajar. When I peer inside, I see my little girl snoozing soundly on her bed, my old stuffed sheep to her chest. Slayer and Stardust sleep soundly on her floor, Stardust's head resting on her brother's back.

I creep inside and lean down to kiss Runa's forehead, brushing her soft hair from her eyes. She stirs, mumbling something under her breath as she rolls over, snuggling the sheep closer to her. I step back only to feel a scaly nose brush my leg.

I spin to find Slayer looking up at me, his red eyes big and round. He makes a small noise, nudging my leg again. I kneel and stroke his ear plates, watching as he churrs in glee.

"Goodnight Slayer," I whisper, and he licks my cheek in return.

I head to the next room, which belongs to Destin. He too is asleep, his mouth hanging open and one arm hanging off the side of the bed. Dark Moon and Emerald lay curled up on the floor in a similar position to their younger siblings'. I don't wake them as I move to Destin's side.

"I love you, my sweet boy," I murmur, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

He smacks his lips before they fall into a peaceful smile, his leg kicking out once. I almost laugh, but I continue to remain stoic as I head for my final destination.

Hiccup's breathing is steady, his eyes closed as he lays on his back in our shared bed. He's definitely asleep, his chest rising every few seconds in a steady rhythm. I settle down on the spot next to him, just watching for a few moments. I look to the light stubble that lines his chin, a characteristic that I find rather cute. He's never been able to grow big beards like the others.

The knot of guilt in my gut tightens and I slump my shoulders, my hand automatically reaching to brush my necklace. Hiccup doesn't stir, his sleep undisturbed by my presence. I carefully lean down and kiss his cheek, almost wishing that he would wake up so I could tell him just how sorry I am.

"I love you," I say, pushing myself to my feet. "Goodbye."

He murmurs my name in his sleep, making me want to collapse and just stay here with him for a little while longer, but I force my feelings away. The house remains quiet as I head for the outside, the only sounds those of the crickets and the nearby ocean.

The plan is simple. Nightstar takes me back to the ruins of my village, we stay there for however long it takes for my time to run out, and once I disappear...she goes home and life goes on. Simple. No attachment needed except for the only friend that I've never lost. I'm not taking weapons of any sort with me.

My dragon meets me outside, her blue eyes sorrowful. I manage an equally sad smile and hug her head tightly, squeezing my eyes shut as I take a deep breath.

"Come on, let's go before I change my mind," I plead.

She growls softly. I climb onto her back and we soar up into the sky and float away on the brisk night air. I look back only once, solidifying the image of my home in my mind. I'll never see it again.

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