Chapter Three: True Potentials. (18+)

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(The picture does not belong to me. It belongs to this person in this link: )

~A Year Later~

Christy's P.O.V.

I didn't write in this book in a while. Been busy to write lately. We went to visit Sensei Garmadon since about a few months back he went to go back to teaching. So we went to him. He was teaching young kids that were Lloyd's age when he first joined, fresh out of Darkley's. I used to go there because I used to act so evil. But here I am, the good kid.

He had taught us about true potentials, and how they affect us in a way. We also learned that the way to be able to get our true potential, was to find what's right for you and to be yourself and care for those who you protect. Basically, me, Farzen, Kyle, and Morro have yet to find our true potential.

A little while ago, I heard that Zane and Kyle were going on a date soon. I was excited to hear that. I never heard Kyle be so happy in his life since he and Zane shared their first kiss. I still have a photo of it. Kyle was in his full human form at the time, which made it the most adorable thing yet.

So, Nya and I are going on a date after theirs. But Farzen is a lonely lion. So, I plan on seeing who she'd be into since it'd be weird if she chose Morro. Gosh that gave me the chills.

I have to see what Kyle needs. Bye!

~Timeskip to Zane and Kyle's date~

Kyle's P.O.V.

So, I got dressed in my light baby sky blue suit that Zane had gotten me. We decided to go and have dinner before we do anything else on this occasion. Sensei let us have the day and night off so we can have our night to ourselves. I got to the front door. Zane had told me that he'd be waiting for me in his car. Be had gotten his car fixed recently and he wanted to drive it specially for us since we just got together.

I leave the bounty and head to his car. His car was a mix of white and blue. I believe he said he'd want to use this with me. I felt special now. Oh how much I can see us using it together. I was daydreaming! Oh gosh! I run to the vehicle.

I tap on the window and he unlocks the door to the upper seat. I jump up to it and sit down into it. I smile when I see him turn to me. He started the car and we went to this one really fancy restaurant. He jumped out and helped me out. I can't jump down yet.

We head inside. He says that he had a reservation for Julian. I guess that's his last name. The waitress lead us to a two seater table and I saw that people were watching us with disgust. I got nervous. He apparently saw this and held my hand.

"If we have to, we can leave and go to a different one if you don't feel comfortable." I shook my head and looked at him.

"I'd like to try to eat here... but if we hear complaints we can leave." I said. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I smiled a bit. I heard an 'ew' sound. I sit down and Zane sits down.

We order our food and wait while we had cups of iced water. We get our food and eat in peace. Then I get hit with a balled up napkin. I grab the napkin and unball it and read a note in it.

'You two are ruining the food because you are both GUYS. A guy doesn't go with a guy, you fag.' (I do not approve of this language to any LGBTQ+ members out there. Its just for this part only. Dont worry. I love everyone the way they are. ^^ ) I stand up and go to the restroom. I went into one of the stalls and cry. I never want to cry in front of Zane or anybody for that fact. I just sat there and cried. I heard someone walk in and knock on every stall until they knock on mine.

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