Chapter 7: Finally It Ends.

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"So I have to go against the purple ninja?! The one that saved me?!" Xeno yelled. Sensei Wu secretly gave him tomorrows tea, since it was Sensei Garmadon's idea. He was now around 12. His curly red hair much like Jay's, but still more curly. He had went to the others in this state the next morning after dinner and now he's told that he has to go against her to save her.

"That is what is needed, Xeno. She cannot fight him any longer. Not in the state she is in now." Sensei Garmadon said. Everyone nodded. Even Nya.

"But isn't there another way? Like where I don't kill her?! I don't want to kill her! She's an energy ninja like Lloyd!" He pointed to Lloyd.

"And so are you, Xeno. Which is why you need to train with Jay and Kyle. You, Jay, and Kyle have the same element that is needed in this. They will teach you how to use it." Sensei Wu said.

"But… sensei… I cant do that. She gave me a second chance. And she sacrificed herself for me! I'm just a kid!!!"

"A teen."

Xeno sighed. "I'm only 12 now because of you two. I can't learn. That's all." He said, defeated. He didn't want to fight Christy. But he had to.

"Train with Jay and Kyle, and we will see tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is our only chance." Sensei Wu said. Jay, Kyle and Xeno left to the training area and trained all day long. Then dinner came and went. Xeno looked at Farzen's door since she hasn't been out in a while and has been quiet. He knocked.

"Go away." She growled. He sighed.

"I just wanted to know if you are okay… since you are her sister…" He said. He was about to walk away when she opened the door.

"I'm fine. I'm more worried about her. She can't handle him much longer." He nodded.

"I'm worried too… she saved me and gave me a second chance to be good… and now I have to fight her… but I'm scared…" He admitted quietly, tears brimming his eyes. He started to hold back whimpers, since he thought that crying only showed weakness. She grabbed him and dragged him into her room.

"Basically you are crying because my sister saved you and caused herself to give it all up on you? You can cry. It shows that you are strong enough to show emotion to something so distraught. Trust me. When I heard she was at oroborus, I cried a bit. Because she is my sister and I can't think of what he has done to her." She said. He looked up at her.

"You are like a mom figure." He said. She blushed a bit.

"What do you mean by that?!" She glared at him. He giggled.

"Nya said that you are like the mom in the group. You are always taking care of us, other than Zane with cooking." He said. She sighed.

"I only do that when it is needed. Like when the guys fight. Someone has to put them in line."

"What is my fear then?" He asked. She was caught off guard.

"What? Your fear? Psht. Like it is that hard. Here." Her eyes then black and something touched Xeno's leg. He looked and it was a spider. He jumped and held onto Farzen, who didn't move a muscle. Then her eyes went back to the golden color and the spider disappeared. "You're afraid of spiders?!" She asked. He nodded.

Farzen then sent him off to bed. He laid there watching the ceiling. He had a dream about Christina.

In his dream he was shooting Christina's body with electricity, and the black mass came out of her, then the others detained it and sent it to prison. He went over to her and checked for a pulse or breathing. She wasn't doing any of those. He started to get worried and tried to revive her, then her lips started to move.

"WAKE UP!!!!!" He yelped and shot up. He was in his own orange pjs and he looked at the others who were in their ninja gi's already.

"We need to go! This battle isn't going to fight itself!" Kai said, half heartedly. Xeno didn't see Nya.

"Where's Nya?" He asked. The others looked around and noticed she wasn't there. They went to find her.

Xeno found her in her room that she shared with Christy. She was holding a picture of her and Christy, having their first kiss. She sighed and kissed the picture. He cleared his throat and she looked up.

"Sorry, Nya. We need to go." He said. She nodded and put the picture in her pocket.

"I just needed to look at something." She said. Then they left with the others to oroborus.

When they made it there, they saw Christy on her hands and knees. Xeno jumped off Nya's dragon and ran a bit. He stopped half way.

"Ms. Christina. I am the boy you saved. My name is Xeno. I am here to free you from him!" He stood in his fighting stance. Then Christina slowly rose up onto her feet, she turned to him, half her face completely black, the rest still the same.

"You really came… a day early… hehe… ow…. Please, use your element, now!" She pleaded, as the black substance covered her completely.

Xeno stood there, scared. He was terrified for his life, and Christina's. Kyle and Jay run over to him and grab him before the black mass throws a weapon at them. Xeno screams.

"Xeno, stop. We need to focus!" Kyle yells. He makes a ice dome around him, Jay and Xeno. Xeno hugs Jay.

"I can't do this!!! She's supposed to be strong, right?!" He screamed. Kyle looked at him.

"Xeno, we can do this. We need to use all of us that have electricity to stop it. We need you to focus." Jay said, holding Xeno close.

Then there were multiple bangs outside. The ice starts breaking. Xeno starts hyperventilating.

"I can't! I don't want to kill her!" Xeno screamed out. Then the ice wall broke. Kyle ran and grabbed both Jay and Xeno and ran off. They hid behind the statue.

"Xeno, please. This is the only way to save her." Jay shook Xeno. Xeno cried.

"Guys! We got company!" Kyle yelled. The others ran over, and Zane and Kyle made a large dome of ice. Nya used water to make it thicker. Then a bang hit the dome. Jay and Kyle grabbed Xeno's hands.

Jay stood up, so did Kyle. They prepared their free hands while standing with Xeno in the middle.

Kai melted the ice and the three shot the lightning at the mass that covered Christy.

The mass gave a blood curdling scream. Then disappeared and left her body, the electricity dying down. Xeno ran to her as the others grabbed the black mass. Xeno grabbed her and held her, crying into her hair. She gasped for air and gripped the sand. Xeno jumped. Zane walked over with an air mask and a pump.

Zane put the mask on her. "Christy, slowly breathe in and out." She did as so, and she had tears in her eyes. "There. Slowly. I will help your lungs gain the oxygen." He slowly started squeezing the green bubble as she breathed in and out. She took the mask off and looked at Xeno.

"You… look… older… but hey… it's been a few… days…" She rasped out. He teared up and hugged her arm.

"I'm so sorry I made you sacrifice yourself for me and I'm sorry I made you give it all up for me and I am so sorry for being such a brat!" He yelled out, crying as well. Farzen, Nya, and the others went around the three and smiled. Farzen grabbed Christy and held her.

"Do not. Dare. To even. Do that. Again!" She yelled. Christy laughed a bit.

"Don't worry. It was only this one time… I swear." She said. Everyone smiled and laughed a bit.

"Christina, you must explain your reasoning why you did this to us." Sensei Wu asked.

"I needed to save you guys… and plus, if I didn't take him, he'd take over ninjago."

"Good explanation." Garmadon said.

They all got back to the bounty, and Christy in bandages.

(Word count: 1404)

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