Chapter 4: Off To See The Queen (18+)

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~The Next day~

Kyle's P.O.V.

The team started packing up as I woke up. I sat up and stretched. I changed from my pj's to my ninja gi. I looked back at the bed and Zane wasn't there. I guess he went and made breakfast for all of us. I left the room and went to the kitchen, I rubbed my eyes since they had sleep on them. I felt someone hug me. I looked over and saw Zane in his ninja gi as well. I hugged back and yawned.

"Some breakfast might help you wake up, Kyle." He said. I smiled and snuggled into his stomach. I'm so short.

"Whats breakfast?" I asked. He laughed a bit and lead me to see the table.

"Pancakes, eggs and bacon. Since today is the day we go see her.." I noticed he had a bit of nervousness in his voice. I hugged him.

"I'll stay with the ninja. I got a plan." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Go ahead and eat. I'll help the others." I nodded and he walked away to the others. I sit down and start eating.

I finish eating and meet up with the others. I see Christy getting picked up by Farzen. She squealed and reached for Morro. He just crossed his arms and laughed. Nya then drenched Farzen and grabbed Christy and went to the vehicles. I laughed a bit. Siblings and a girlfriend. Cute. I go over to Sensei Wu.

"Sensei," I see him turn to me and nod for me to continue, "I am actually kind of afraid something will go wrong." I finish. I rubbed my arm out of nervousness.

"Kyle, everything will be fine. I've seen it in the smoke. And the smoke never lies." I grew confused. What smoke? Was he smoking?

I nodded. I then found Kai, Jay and Cole.

"I say we should at least bring cake for the poor guy. He's been through enough facts in the past few days." Cole said. I smiled a bit.

"I say we get him a present after this is all done." Jay said. I like that idea too.

"Why not something that he would like? If you know what I mean." Kai wiggled his eyebrows. The other two blushed.

"Don't do anything to Zane, or I beat all of you up." I threatened. The three turned to me and held their breaths. "That's better. If i see anything of you guys on or around Zane, you will be stuck in the biggest ice bubble with electricity running through the inside hitting you." They nodded and ran off. I then felt hands touch my shoulders and a chin in the crook of my neck and shoulder. I smile.

"You didn't have to do that, babe." I blushed at the nickname that he called me. I giggled.

"I don't want them using you for me. You already do amazingly." I said. He lifted me into a bridal style hold. I blushed more. He laughed a bit.

"When we get back I'll ask Sensei if we can have the day off." I smiled when he said that. I hugged his neck and he took me to the vehicle that we used the other day for our date.

"What about Echo? Will he be okay?" I asked, Zane smiled.

"He's coming with us. But he will be staying in the car. He agreed of course." I smiled at this. Then I saw Echo in a bronze colored ninja gi. He had a bag with him. Zane helped him into the car behind me. I waved to him. He waved back.

"Are you okay, Echo?" He smiled.

"Jay is still making a voice box for him. We didn't know he didn't have a voice." My eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh. I can help make it! In fact, I can help upgrade him too." Echo looked at Zane and made a sound.

Zane looked at me with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. We will be able to help him." I smiled.

A Ninjago Story (18+) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now