Chapter 5: A Long Way To Start A Fight

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~A Month Later~

Nobody's P.O.V.

Christina, Kai, Kyle, Jay, and Morro were sent out to search for golden weapons for them and the others. Christina thought that after the whole overlord thing happened when Zane sacrificed himself, that the golden weapons were done for. But apparently when the three joined last year, they were remade at the mountain and are still there. The group left and flew on Kai's and Jay's elemental dragons, since Kyle, Christina, and Morro have yet to find theirs out.

"When do we get there?" Christina asked for the 100th time. Kai groaned.

"We should be there by night if we stay in the air. It won't be long." Kyle said, looking at his brand new device. He also had a picture of Zane in his brand new ninja gi. It had golden accents along the black straps. There was also a thin ring of gold around where his gem is. He had Kai melt the upper half of the staff into his new ninja gi. It took a month to make it.

"But it's too long. Plus, shouldn't the others be here too?" Christy looked at Jay and Kai.

Jay looked at Kai. "The others don't even know about them. Master Wu said that we must keep it a secret until we come back with all of the weapons." Kai looked behind himself to look at Christy. Jay looked back forward and saw the mountain. "There it is." Kyle looked forward.

"That is huge." Christy looked at Morro.

"We must be careful. We don't know who else may want these weapons as much as we do." He said, looking around the ground under them.

They soon land on the mountain's edge. The dragons disappear and the five get ready for battle. They slowly walk down this trail along the side, which lead to the center where all of the weapons lay. Morro looks at the others.

"Christy is the only one that can grab one at a time into the bag. We need to keep an eye out for her in case someone grabs us or her." Christy walked down the path to the center with a big sack and she looks at the weapons. They were all sorts of colors this time. She grabbed one at a time and put them in the bag. She goes back over to the others, which two of them were watching the way they came in, and the other two looking around to make sure no one was there. They smile when Christy walks back to them.

"Now let's go." Jay says, but doesnt yell.

"Finally someone doesn't give away where we are." Kai remarks. Jay glares at him.

"You said that a second too late, ninja." They all turn to face a masked and hooded figure. They were in complete black. The others get in their stance. "I have been waiting this moment for too long! I am going to take those weapons and make them mine!!" He yelled out. He took his mask and hoodie off and he looked around 10 in age. Christy giggled.

"Look, he looks like little Lloyd. So cute." He growled. He stomped his foot.

"I am not cute! I am the future ruler! And you will hand those over to me, or suffer!" He screamed. The ninja were gone when he finished. He looked over and Christy had a golden bow in a rose gold look, with golden arrows. She points it at him.

"Look, kid, you don't know what you are getting yourself into. This is how Lloyd, the green ninja was. But when he was told he had to go against lord Garmadon, he had to change, and it bettered himself. If you want to be ruler, then think about your actions. Lloyd is still himself, but improved. And hey, I used to be like that too. I thought that I was a princess and a ruler. But when I got older and remembered how bad I was, I changed. And guess what, Morro was too. Now you have three examples to go by. Think about what you need to do next. I guess we will see you sometime soon." Christy jumped on behind Kai, with the bag of weapons. "And when you have made your decision, we will see what you are up to." And with that, the ninja flew off. The little boy threw his mask down and stomped on it. He was angry.

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