Chapter 8: The Recovery For Christy.

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(A/N: Wu and Mystake aren't together in the show. This is just for the book.)

Christina woke up around 2 in the morning. She looked next to her and saw Nya, asleep. She smiled and moved her left hand to touch Nya's cheek. When she did, someone woke up crying. She looked at the door and see Xeno walking down the hall.

"Hey, kiddo, come here." She said. He turned around and looked at her. He smiled and ran into the room.

"You're alive. And awake. I have to tell Zane." He said. He turned around, and his hand was grabbed by Christy.

"What's your name? I didn't hear it… I want to know what your name is.. Cause kiddo isn't cutting it." She giggled a bit. He smiled.

"My name is Xeno. Both Sensei's gave me this weird tea which made me grow a bit older." He said, and pointed to his orange pjs.

"Tomorrows tea? Don't you want to be back to ten? I can tell you where to grab yesterday's tea." She offered. He shook his head.

"I feel more like myself now. But… I overheard Kyle and Zane saying about adopting… I wonder if they are getting a kid…" He said, a bit sadly. She held his hand.

"They have been wanting to adopt for a long time.. But I honestly think they might adopt a kid that we saved." She smiled.

"But… nobody would want me.. I killed my only family… all because I was being a dumb 6 year old." He said. She rubbed her thumb on his hand.

"Don't worry. The ninja will help you. Don't worry." She said. He looked at her with tear filled eyes.

"Can… can I sleep with you two..?" He asks. She nods and he climbs in between her and Nya. He falls asleep after Christy sings him a song. She looked around and then tried to get up. She managed to get up and sit on the bed. She noticed a wheelchair next to the bed side table. She grabbed it and climbed into it. She looked down at her legs and they were covered in casts. She gasped. Nya woke up.

"Christy? What's wrong..?" She looked at Christy, with blurry eyes.

"Nothing. Just go back to sleep. I'm going to get a drink." She said, lying of course. Nya nodded and fell back asleep. Christy wheeled herself to the door and opened it and went out to the kitchen. Kyle and Zane were awake and figuring papers out. She wheeled up to them.

"Hey, love birds. Whatcha up to?" Kyle turned around and gasped. He stood up and hugged her out of fear of losing her.

"Oh my first spinjitzu master she's alive!" He yelled. Zane put a finger to Kyle's mouth and shushed him. Christy looked around.

"What happened? Other than making the promise to Farzen…" She asked. Zane sighed.

"You flatlined so many times and came back when Morro, Nya, Farzen, and Xeno were around. When only one left you'd flatline. We were personally scared we might lose you." He said. He had a bit of nervousness in his voice. She looked at Kyle, who was crying in her chest. Then she realized that her binder was off.

"Zane, where is it? What did you do with it?" She asked. He looked confused.

"Oh. You mean that. Farzen took it off after we got you home. Nya saw it though…" He said. She sighed.

"It was bound to happen anyways…" She mumbled. Kyle stood up and patted her shoulder.

"Hey, Christy, do you think Xeno would let us adopt him?" He asked. Zane smiled. Christy looked around and looked back at them.

"I'm not sure. He is saying that you won't adopt him for killing his parents… but I also think you would adopt him. He already has us. And none of us are his blood and adoption is the only way to keep him here and train him." She rambled. Zane put a hand on her other shoulder.

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