Part 6

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(Quick note)

I bought IT on my phone so chapters should start coming out more, I also think i broke my toe.

3rd Person

As the loser gang was walking down the street, being encircled by Richie on his bike, Richie kept talking about how Beverly and everyone else "saw" the blood. (Y/N) was walking next her and knew he had to defend her.

(Y/N)'s POV

"I saw something too." I blurted out. Stanley almost immediately asked "You saw blood too?" I told him the truth, hoping that nobody would make fun of me, "Not blood, I saw George. It seemed so real. I mean, It seemed like him, but there was this..." I heard a voice to my left say "Clown." I looked over to see Eddie coming to my defense. "Yeah, I saw him too."  I stood there baffled, I-I thought i was the only one that saw a clown, but Eddie comes out of left field saying he saw one too. I actually couldn't believe it and everyone else couldn't either. I looked around at everyone else's faces and all I saw was disbelieve and all I could hear was silence. A creepy silence, until Richie opened his mouth, "Wait, can only virgins see this stuff?" is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" Silence followed until Eddie realized something, he raised his arm slowly pointing to a car. Following the action with words "That's Belch Huggins' car. We should probably get out." I objected. I saw a rusty bike laying side down in the grass and I heard people yelling. "Wait, isn't that the homeschooled kid's bike?" Beverly knew exactly what was going through my mind, "We have to help him." We all looked at her, I don't know why but I felt proud. I don't know if it was because I'm dating her or if its because she wants to help the new homeschooled kid. I was proud until Richie opened his mouth. "We should?" I gave the only answer I thought is appropriate. "Yes." I heard from two different people. I looked at the people standing around me one by one until I looked at Beverly, who stared back at me. That feeling of pride came back but stronger, we dropped the bikes that we were holding at the same time, it's like we're one person, one brain. The whole club started running towards the voices.

Mike's POV

These motherfuckers, I swear one day there gonna get what they deserve. I can't believe it, It's always me. Last time they almost hit me with the car, now they pushing my head into the meat I'm supposed to deliver. I looked to my left in hope of salvation and safety, but what i saw made me lose hope in the divine. I almost screamed. A clown was sitting in bushes looking at me and the cunts that are bullying me, blood dripping down from his mouth onto his collar. He pulled an arm out from below the bushes, but not any arm, half of a child's arm. I feel like throwing up but I also can't believe what I'm seeing. I tried ignoring my harassers but If i do then I'll get beat worse than I already am. "GET UP!!" I heard from someone towering over me. I try to get up keeping eye contact with the clown, hoping that it won't come for me next. I'm on all fours until i felt a leg connect with my chin. My body shot backwards on my back. Then as if he was ready one of the bully's is on top of me holding my arms to the ground. I kept shaking trying to break from his grip, but nothing worked. I saw his arm reach for the ground and pull a rock up, at this point i'll take anything that'll save me, even that clown. Absolutely anything. That thing came in the from of a rock to the guy's head.

(Y/N)'s POV 

I threw a rock at Bowers trying to get his attention, so he would leave the kid alone. To be honest I wasn't aiming for him, just close to him so i could get his attention. But I hit him square in the head, at that point I knew I started a battle. Bowers fell off of the kid and stared at me. Beverly ran up to me and congratulated me on the throw. "Nice throw." I mean, I can't help myself, I smiled. The kid, I think his name is Mike, started crossing the stream over to us. Out of the corner of my eye i saw everyone pick up a rock. "You losers are trying to hard, she'll do you, you just gotta ask nicely, like I did." I fucking yelled at the top of my lungs. "YOU PIECE OF DICK EATING SHIT."  I took the rock in my hand and threw it as hard as i could, hoping my power would compensate for accuracy, right towards Bowers.  He almost moved but the rock skimmed his head. "What the fuck?" Bowers said, suddenly as if everyone was waiting for a cue, rocks started flying...

Beverly's POV

I ran up to (Y/N) and congratulated him on his throw. I can see why hes the quarterback of the football team. He's got a great arm. I didn't hear anything from him, I looked over to him in confusion and saw him smiling. Damn, He's fucking cute and so is his smile. I was looking at him when I heard Bowers start talking, "You losers are trying to hard, she'll do you, you just gotta ask nicely, like I did." What the fuck, I would never. (Y/N) looked at me, I could see the sadness in his eyes.  Then in one action he turned to Bowers, yelled "YOU PIECE OF DICK EATING SHIT." and threw the rock that he was holding at him. A rock war started.

3rd Person

The war raged for a whole 15 minutes when Bowers' gang ran away leaving Henry Bowers laying on the rocks with warm blood coming from a cut on his forehead. (Y/N) was about to cross the stream until Beverly grabbed his hand. He turned around to see only Beverly standing there. The two lovebirds started walking away leaving Henry laying across the stream.

~5 minutes later.

The Losers were walking down a path of dirt, in the order of Eddie, Mike, Ben, Stan, Richie and the two lovebirds, (Y/N) and Beverly, holding hands in the back. They all felt prideful over their victory over Bowers and the actual losers. Mike broke the silence "Thanks guys, but you shouldn't have done that, they'll be after you guys too, now." Everyone but Mike knew about their status with the Bowers gang but Eddie was the first to tell him, "Oh, no, no, no, Bowers? He's always after us. Then as (Y/N) remembered something Bowers said before the fight.

(Y/N)'s POV

I stopped when I heard Bowers' name. Beverly stopped with me and turned to me while still holding my hand. "Is something wrong?" We've only known each other for a week but she could already tell that something was wrong, that's another thing to add to the long list of reasons that I love her. "Is it true?" I asked forwardly. Everyone kept walking. "What Bowers' said?" She followed up with. A simple "Yeah" was my response. A massive wave of fear overcame me. My heart told me that she didn't but my brain told me she might've. I stood for what felt like way longer than it actually was. A small snicker came from her, then the answer "Why would I, when I have you?" She answered. I took a moment to think and realized that she didn't answer my question. My heart sank but I asked again. "But did you?" The tension rose. "No, baby." The tension dropped instantly. She leaned in and kissed my cheek. My heart that previously sank, rose back up.

3rd person

The two lovebirds grabbed hands and tagged back along with their friends, continuing down the path.

The two lovebirds grabbed hands and tagged back along with their friends, continuing down the path

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I know this chapter is kind of short.

So i hope this makes up for it.

So i hope this makes up for it

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She's really cute.

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