Part 2

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When (Y/N) got home he saw that the garage was open, he realized he got busted. (Y/N) walked past his car, and into the garage and saw his mom sitting on a table. Tears were streaming down her face at a slow pace. He looked on the table and saw the display that he made out of clear pipes. (Y/N) realized that he messed up. His mother started talking about how she told him not to do it. She didn't ground (Y/N) but she said that if she catches (Y/N) doing something like it again he'll be in big trouble. (Y/N) was hardly phased, he's heard those words from his dad before he left. About an hour after the lecture from his mom his group came over to discuss what they were gonna do tomorrow. Everyone wanted to do different things but since (Y/N) had the car he basically had the final say. (Y/N) wanted to go down to the barrens to look for Georgie. Nobody wanted to go with him but they are good friends so they decided to tag along. (Y/N) went through the rest of the afternoon, eating dinner, doing a bit of exercise. He decided to go to sleep early while listening to his favorite track and reading a Pet Sematary.

The Next Day

Derry, Maine


I woke up to a noise blasting through my room. It was my stupid alarm clock, that I forgot to turn off. Damn, I hate waking up anytime early, I feel super tired and tired. I reached over it and slammed my hand on the snooze button, silencing and almost knocking it off of it's nightstand. It was too early to do anything so I just stayed in my bed and read my Pet Sematary book. That Stephen King guy is messed up. I've only read a few of his books but they're pretty grotesque. I wonder what goes on in that guys mind. Before I even realized it, I was reading for an hour. I was starving, so I walked downstairs into my kitchen and started searching for something to eat. I looked everywhere but all I found was eggs and cereal. I was too lazy to make some eggs so I settled with a bowl of cereal. I finished eating and still, no body was awake. Sometimes I don't understand my family. Everyone has been depressed since Georgie died, including me. I miss him but he was the favorite child, my family almost forgot about me until he died.  I decided to run upstairs, get changed and stay up there until I got the call to go pick them up and head to the barrens. 

3rd Person

(Y/N) decided to stay up in his room switching between reading his book and listening to music. He waited until he heard the phone ring. He bolted down the stairs but his mom beat him. His mom wasn't to keen on him being friends with Richie and the other 2. But it was summer so she didn't care what he did as long as he wasn't getting into trouble. (Y/N) heard his name from the kitchen just as he entered. His mom handed him the phone, he put it against his ear and heard Richie talking about everyone's moms, then asking for a high five. He waited until he heard "We're ready to go." He put the phone back in the phone stand and walked out to his car saying bye to his mom. He drove to their Richie's house because it was the closest and everyone was there. Everyone hopped in the car, and (Y/N) backed out from Richie's driveway. He Drove past the library, whilst wondering what was happening in there, he loved the library during the summer, not because of the books but because of the air conditioning.

(I'm gonna try and keep the only the reader, Beverly and third person as the only POVs)


I sat at my table in the library, waiting for the librarian to return with the book I asked for. I got startled by the book I asked for slamming on the table, and the librarian interrogating me about not being out with the friends,  I don't have.  She walked away and I flipped open to the middle of the book, and started observing the pictures of Derry in the early 1900s. This place had a ton of iron and lumber. That must've been the pride of early Derry. I started flipping through the pages and saw an old news article, "EASTER EXPLOSION KILLS 88 CHILDREN, 102 IN TOTAL"  Something about that headline put a chill down my spine. I flipped the page and there was a picture of the bodies of the victims. I started flipping through the pages faster. Until I came across a picture of a tree with people around the base, captioned "A gruesome discovery in the wake of the Derry Iron Works explosion, 1908." I flipped again and the picture zoomed into the tree with the same caption. I flipped again, and I could barely make out a round shape in the tree. I started flipping faster and faster, as the picture kept zooming in on the round object. I kept flipping until it was almost next to the round object. It was... It was a HEAD!! I slammed the book close, obviously startled. "A History of Old Derry" was the only thing that faced me. I looked over at a newspaper article I brought with me titled "Body Found by Canal Not Betty Ripsom" Something felt wrong. I turned around and something caught my eye. A red balloon was floating throughout the library, in one direction. The first thought that came to my mind was to follow it, and I did just that. I got up from my seat and started walking in the path the balloon had followed, just seconds before. I looked In through the doorway that the balloon floated through, seeing an egg sitting straight up on top of a few steps. Again my first instinct was to walk towards it. I noticed it had a pattern on it and it was smoldering. I looked down the hall and saw another egg. I looked down the hall and saw an egg sitting at the top of a staircase, I kept going down the hall and following the eggs. I wandered into the archive room and in the doorway I saw another goddamn egg." Where are these coming from?" I whispered to myself. I continued trail the eggs. I noticed it was the last egg, and bent down to pick it up. The lights started flickering. I looked down an aisle and saw a dark figure of what looked like a child. Then the lights went dark. I heard something fall behind me. I reluctantly turned around and say a body standing at the top of the staircase. It stepped down, one step at a time, suddenly coming to a stop. I noticed he was holding the eggs I was following earlier. It moved down at a faster pace. There's something wrong. He was halfway down the stairs, then I realized it.His neck was smoking and he was missing his head! The eggs started falling from his arms. My heart beat shot straight up at an almost impossible rate. He walked down the staircase and stopped 6 feet away from me. Whatever it was started jogging towards me, and I started running away from it. I kept looking back, for some reason. I turned a corner after corner. Until I heard "Eggboy" I turned around saw this weird clown. I turned around to keep running but I slammed into the librarian, who dropped her books. She asked me what I was doing. I just ran up the stairs without saying a single word to her. I grabbed my belongings and ran out. I started calming down after I crossed the street. I passed a large monument and heard something that made my heart beat even faster. "Where you off to, Tits?" I turned around and saw Henry Bowers leaning against the monument. I turned around and started running, , almost tripping in the process. Until one of Bower's goons grabbed me. Bowers had me in a headlock, dragging me to a bridge. I had my shirt pulled over my head. I felt my lower back pushed against a railing. One held a hair spray bottle behind a lighter, and light the lighter, creating a mini flamethrower almost burning my hair of. Bowers grabbed me and looked over to a car that  was passing by. I looked too, but in hope of being saved. They drove by. I saw a red balloon in the back of the car rise up. I looked at Bowers, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the side of my head. I tried to look away but I felt the same pain only worse in the exact same place. I felt 2 hands on the side of my head forcing me to look at him.  My ears were ringing. He started saying things but I couldn't understand him because of the ringing in my ears. I only made out the last word which was "Knife." Suddenly a knife appeared in his hand. I felt a very sharp pain in my stomach causing me to scream in pain.  He kept going, until one of his gang members stopped him. Bowers yelled "Shut up!" straight into his face. "I'm gonna carve my whole name in this cottage cheese!" was the next words out of his mouth, but this time it was directed to me. I kicked him and propelled myself backwards over the railing, tumbling down a hill. I heard Bowers yell something, but I kept rolling. I looked back and saw all of them sliding down the hill following me and Bowers. I turned around and started running as fast as I could. I was following a dirt path while hearing yells coming from behind. I kept running until I realized I reached a river. I knew I couldn't stay where I was so I kept running down the side of the river. I just kept running and running, through the ankle high water.  Until I fell in front of a group of kids.

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