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Natasha feels like she has been wandering for days, though logically she knows it couldn't have been that long. Still, it doesn't feel good. She thought the afterlife would be more, exciting? There's not a lot to do. She mostly wanders and wallows, missing Clint and the rest of her Avengers family. She knows she did the right thing, but she hates not knowing if her sacrifice was enough. 

One hour, while she was out wondering and thinking about everything she missed, she thought she saw a familiar face. At first she thought he mind was playing tricks on her, trying to cause her more pain, but has she got closer, she knew it was real. 


She let out in a whisper, scared if she spoke too loud or made a wrong move, the man would disappear entirely. Suddenly Tony's face met hers, and she couldn't help but smile widely.

"Agent Romanov. How are you doing?"

Natasha did something she never thought she'd do. She wrapped her arms around Tony and let out a cry of joy. She felt so relieved, just to see a familiar face. She ignored the strange tugging feeling in the back of her head, only caring about Tony. 

Then Tony pulled away, she couldn't help but be upset, but she knew the man was probably overwhelmed. But that didn't help her surprise when she looked up and saw the man frowning.

"Tony? What's wrong? Did we lose?"

Tony looked deep into her eyes, with a look that said that he knew something she didn't. She felt the tug get stronger. 

"We won Nat. But it's not your time. You have to go back. They need you. More then I do."

Natasha was stunned at Tony's words. How could she go back? She had only just found him! And there was no way back, she had tried. 

"Nat you have to go. Give in to the tug. It's not your time."

Natasha thought over his words carefully, before nodding. She trusted him. If he said it wasn't her time, that is must not be. 

"Hey Nat, before you go, can you do one thing for me. Protect the kid for me, will ya? I have a feeling he's gonna need someone to be his spidermom after this." 

Nat nodded, though she had no idea what Tony meant. Slowly she laid down, shut her eyes, and let the tug take over, pulling her back to the land of the living. 


A/N: So, what did ya think? Ever since Endgame I've been reading way too much fanfic and have fallen in love with spidermom and spiderbaby. Today while just sitting in bed this idea came to me, and I knew I had to write it. I'm not the best writer, so we'll see how this goes. Hope you enjoy! Expect a new chapter soon since I'm still really hyper-fixed on the marvel fandom. 

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