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Nat opened her eyes, but she was not yet back with her family. She sat up to see a bright red light hovering over her, yet she did not jump to attack. She had met this light before, when she had first fallen off the cliff. The light seemed to be watching her, waiting for her to say something. When Natasha said nothing, it spoke.

"Natasha Romanov, the soul stone has been returned like it was never taken. Meaning you are free to go home."

Natasha sat in shock for a few moments, before nodding hesitantly and getting to her feet. She saw she was back on the top of the mountain on Vormir, though Red Skull was no where in sight. She realized she was still in her time travel suit and sighed, the only way she would be able to get back to home was if the machine was still on, which was unlikely, but it was worth a try. Better then trying to hitch a ride with some aliens home. 

So Nat pushed down on the button, her breathing hitching as she shrunk. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile, back at the tower~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Clint observed from a tree as Steve left to return the stones, his eyes not once leaving the machine. He was overjoyed to have his family back, but at the same time he was distraught about losing Nat. The same words kept repeating in his head, it should have been me. 

 Clint continued watching from his perch, zoned out completely. To the point when the machine started whirring signaling someone was about to come through even though the countdown wasn't over, he didn't notice. What he did notice, was a certain redhead appearing on the platform, her eyes still tinted red from crying when she saw Stark. 

Within milliseconds Clint had jumped from his perch and had tackled Natasha, pulling her to the ground. Clint held her close, scared if he let her go she would disappear. Nat hugged him back, whispering to him softly as Bruce and Bucky stared in disbelief. 

"It is alright, I am here now. I'm back to my family"

She wasn't sure if she was reassuring Clint or herself, not that she really cared. Clint slowly released her a bit, but only enough that she could turn to see Bruce and Bucky. She looked at the two of them with a smirk.

"What? You really thought you could get rid of me that easily? Someone was to keep you boys in check."

Clint smiled at her comment and released her more. They both stood up carefully, Clint refusing to leave her side. The rest of the team came up and carefully questioned Nat about how she got back, which she answered easily. She glanced at the crying Clint and smiled, glad to be back with her family again. Boy had she missed them. 


A/N: Yeah I wasn't lying when I said the next chapter would be up quick. I really just wanted to get all the stuff I had written in my head out so I decided to write this chapter already. I may do another tonight, depending what time I fall asleep. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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