Who is the kid?

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After more questions, Steve leaving, and a large celebratory dinner with a lot of people she didn't recognize, she went up to her room in the compound though she didn't feel overly tired. She laid down anyways and forced her eyes shut, trying to clear her head but she couldn't stop thinking of what Tony had said. When Natasha heard creeks coming from the vents, she forced her eyes open.

"Clint, I can hear you up there. Just come down here."

She heard amused sound come from the vent and Clint came tumbling down, landing on the floor in his superhero landing pose. Natasha rolled her eyes fondly and let out a snort.

"I can see your feeling over dramatic, but that doesn't explain why you are here."

Clint got up and sat down next to Natasha grinning like toddler.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to sleep, plus I wanted to check on you."

Nat just nodded and let her head rest on Clint's shoulder, but it was clear something important was on her mind. Clint shifted to face her better and looked into her eyes, trying to get a read from her.

"Nat, whats bothering you. I can tell something is on your mind. Talk to me Nat, I want to be here for you, I've already lost you once and I want to make sure it never happens again."

Nat sighs and thumps back on the bed. She just wanted to sleep, but it just wouldn't leave her mind. She knew talking might help, but it felt so hard to talk about it.

"When I was with Tony, wherever I was, he said something to me. Something about protecting a kid. But there's no way he meant Morgan. He never calls her kid. I don't know who he could have meant and I just can't get it off my mind. I want to do what he can't but I have no clue what he meant. I don't know. Maybe I'm just overreacting and over analyzing the situation..."

She trails off after awhile, glancing at Clint. She then realized Clint wasn't really looking at her, he was more staring through her. 

"Clint? Earth to Clint?"

The archer jumped a few feet in the air before shaking his head to clear it.

"Sorry, just...thinking. About what Tony could have meant. It doesn't make sense for him to be talking about mine or Scott's kids. Morgan was his only child. I really don't know Nat."

Nat sighed and nodded, sitting up and reaching for her notebook.

"I'm gonna figure it out. If not for Tony then for my own sanity."

Clint nods and stands up, preparing to head back to his room. He had agreed it was best for his family to return to the farm and for him to stay here for awhile, to make sure Nat was alright.

"Okay, just try to get some sleep. Okay?"

Nat nodded and watched as he left. 

"Oh boy, I'm in for one hell of a night." 

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